• Counseling Couples in Conflict: A Relational Restoration Model, By James N. Sells and Mark A. Yarhouse

    Counseling Couples in Conflict

    A Relational Restoration Model

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by James N. Sells and Mark A. Yarhouse

    Most therapeutic approaches, especially those of a cognitive orientation, are not very effective in dealing with high conflict relationships--couples often heading toward divorce by the time they seek help. Counseling Couples in Conflict is a resource for pastors and counselors who want to be ready for these uniquely difficult cases. Utilizing a relational conflict and restoration model ...

  • Preventing Suicide: A Handbook for Pastors, Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors, By Karen Mason

    Preventing Suicide

    A Handbook for Pastors, Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors

    by Karen Mason

    12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year

    What is the church's role in suicide prevention?

    While we tend to view the work of suicide prevention as the task of professional therapists and doctors, the church can also play a vital role. Studies show that religious faith is an important factor reducing the risk of suicide. Yet many pastors, chaplains ...

  • Sin and Grace in Christian Counseling: An Integrative Paradigm, By Mark R. McMinn

    Sin and Grace in Christian Counseling

    An Integrative Paradigm

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark R. McMinn

    Sin. Grace. Christian Counseling. How do these fit together? In Christian theology sin and grace are intrinsically interconnected. Teacher and counselor Mark McMinn believes that Christian counseling, then, must also take account of both human sin and God's grace. For both sin and grace are distorted whenever one is emphasized without the other. McMinn, noting his own tendencies and the temptation ...

  • Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture, By Mark A. Yarhouse

    Understanding Gender Dysphoria

    Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark A. Yarhouse

    Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Honorable Mention

    Few topics are more contested today than gender identity.

    In the fog of the culture war, complex issues like gender dysphoria are reduced to slogans and sound bites. And while the war rages over language, institutions and political allegiances, transgender individuals are the ones who end up being ...

  • Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling: A Guide to Brief Therapy, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling

    A Guide to Brief Therapy

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Everett L. Worthington, Jr. offers a comprehensive manual for assisting couples over common rough spots and through serious problems in a manner that is compassionate, effective and brief. His hope-focused (rather than problem-focused) approach enables couples to see that change is possible and gives them a new outlook on the future. Combining this with a brief approach that addresses the realities ...

  • Trekking Toward Wholeness: A Resource for Care Group Leaders, By Stephen P. Greggo

    Trekking Toward Wholeness

    A Resource for Care Group Leaders

    by Stephen P. Greggo

    Stephen Greggo offers an in-depth exploration of care group leadership from a Christian perspective. Care groups are worth pursuing because they can create a biblically grounded context for corrective healing relationships. Care group leaders engaged in pastoral care, counseling services or spiritual formation will catch a vision for how the core interpersonal process can be instrumental ...

  • Marriage Counseling: A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Marriage Counseling

    A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Marriages are in trouble today. That is clear. Effective mothods of combating this trend are less evident. Counselors, pastors and social workers need more than mere theories or mere moralizing. They need a practical and comprehensive model for understanding couples and their problems. They need a throughly Christian perspective that is biblical, compassionate and human. Everett Worthington provides ...

  • Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?: Helping (Not Hurting) Those with Emotional Difficulties, By Dwight L. Carlson

    Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?

    Helping (Not Hurting) Those with Emotional Difficulties

    by Dwight L. Carlson

    It's no sin to hurt.

    Thousands of Christians suffer real emotional pain--such as depression, anxiety, obsessiveness. Many other Christians, including prominent leaders, believe emotional problems are the result of sin or bad choices. These attitudes often only add to the suffering of those who hurt.

    In this book Dwight Carlson marshals recent scientific evidence that demonstrates many ...

  • Reconcilable Differences: Hope and Healing for Troubled Marriages, By Virginia Todd Holeman

    Reconcilable Differences

    Hope and Healing for Troubled Marriages

    by Virginia Todd Holeman

    What does it take to really make right a severely damaged relationship? When going back to how things were is not nearly good enough, is there hope for true transformation and healing? Counselor and teacher Virginia Todd Holeman weaves together biblical insight and rich theological reflection while drawing from the best of current psychological studies on forgiveness, repentance and reconciling. ...

  • I Beg to Differ: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Truth and Love, By Tim Muehlhoff

    I Beg to Differ

    Navigating Difficult Conversations with Truth and Love

    by Tim Muehlhoff
    Foreword by Gregg Ten Elshof

    How do we communicate with people who disagree with us? In today's polarized world, friends and strangers clash with each other over issues large and small. Coworkers have conflicts in the office. Married couples fight over finances. And online commenters demonize one another's political and religious perspectives. Is there any hope for restoring civil discourse? Communications expert Tim Muehlhoff ...

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