• Romans 1-8, By Gwenfair Walters Adams

    Romans 1-8

    New Testament Volume 7

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by Gwenfair Walters Adams

    With its themes of grace, sin, justification, and salvation through Christ alone, Paul's letter to the early church in Rome has been a primary focus of Christian reflection throughout church history. In this RCS volume, church historian Gwenfair Adams guides readers through a diversity of early modern commentary on the first eight chapters of Paul's epistle to the Romans.

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. Exploring Luke's portrait of the spirituality of Jesus, Catherine Wright focuses on the themes of simplicity, humility, and prayer in Jesus' life and teaching, considering how readers have understood and employed key Lukan passages for spiritual formation from the first century and the ancient church to today.

  • The Gospel According to Eve: A History of Women's Interpretation, By Amanda W. Benckhuysen

    The Gospel According to Eve

    A History of Women's Interpretation

    by Amanda W. Benckhuysen

    Do women and men have different intellectual, spiritual, moral, or emotional capacities? Over the centuries, women have read and interpreted the story of Eve, scrutinizing the details of the text to discern God's word for them. Biblical scholar Amanda Benckhuysen traces the history of women's interpretation of Genesis 1-3, allowing the voices of women to speak of Eve's story and its implications for life today.

  • Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission, By Brad Vaughn

    Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes

    Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission

    by Brad Vaughn
    Foreword by E. Randolph Richards

    According to Brad Vaughn, some traditional East Asian cultural values are closer to those of the first-century biblical world than common Western cultural values. In this work Vaughn demonstrates how paying attention to East Asian culture provides a helpful lens for interpreting Paul's most complex letter, and we see how honor and shame shape so much of Paul's message and mission.

  • Inexpressible: Hesed and the Mystery of God's Lovingkindness, By Michael Card


    Hesed and the Mystery of God's Lovingkindness

    by Michael Card

    God's identity cannot be fully expressed in human words, but Scripture uses one particular Hebrew word to describe God's character: hesed. Often translated as lovingkindness, covenant faithfulness, or steadfast love, Michael Card unpacks the many dimensions of hesed, exploring how it is used in the Old Testament to reveal God's character and how its fullness is ultimately embodied in the incarnation of Jesus.

  • Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary, By Ian Paul


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Ian Paul
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel and Nicholas Perrin

    The Book of Revelation is a fascinating piece of Scripture as well as an extraordinary piece of literature. In this Tyndale Commentary, Ian Paul takes a disciplined approach to the text, paying careful attention to the ways that John draws from the Old Testament. Additionally, Paul examines how the original audience would have heard this message from John, and then draws helpful comments for contemporary reflection.

  • An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods & Ministry Formation, By David A. deSilva

    An Introduction to the New Testament

    Contexts, Methods & Ministry Formation

    by David A. deSilva

    This comprehensive New Testament introduction not only outlines historical, social, cultural, and rhetorical contexts, but it also points students preparing for ministry to relevant facets of biblical interpretation. Brimming with maps, photos, points of interest, and aids to learning, this beautiful, full-color second edition of an established textbook is the first choice for those who want to integrate scholarship and ministry.

  • The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Mission of God

    Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. But Christopher Wright boldly maintains that there is a missional basis for the Bible! Beginning with the Old Testament and its groundwork for understanding who God is, what he has called his people to be and do, and how the nations fit into God's mission, Wright gives us a new hermeneutical perspective on Scripture.

  • Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation, By Craig D. Allert

    Early Christian Readings of Genesis One

    Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Craig D. Allert

    Do the writings of the church fathers support a literalist interpretation of Genesis 1? Young earth creationists have maintained that they do. But are we correctly representing the Fathers and their concerns? This study from Craig Allert resets our understanding of early Christian interpretation and considers whether contemporary evangelicals may be more bound to modernity in our reading of Genesis 1 than we realize.

  • The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, By John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    The Lost World of the Flood

    Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III
    Contributions by Stephen O. Moshier

    The Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for centuries. But what might the biblical author have been saying to his ancient audience? In order to rediscover the biblical flood, we must set aside our own cultural and interpretive assumptions and visit the distant world of the ancient Near East. Walton and Longman lead us on this enlightening journey toward a more responsible reading of a timeless biblical narrative.

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