• Early Christian Thinkers: The Lives and Legacies of Twelve Key Figures, Edited byPaul Foster

    Early Christian Thinkers

    The Lives and Legacies of Twelve Key Figures

    Edited by Paul Foster

    An international team of top scholars introduces a pivotal, early moment in the history of orthodox doctrine through the lives and works of key second and third century Christians.

  • Gregory of Nyssa: Sermons on the Beatitudes, By Michael Glerup

    Gregory of Nyssa

    Sermons on the Beatitudes

    Classics in Spiritual Formation

    by Michael Glerup
    Foreword by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

    As part of the Classics in Spiritual Formation, the sermons of Gregory of Nyssa offer a contemporary rendering of ancient spiritual wisdom for today's readers. Includes an introduction, paraphrase by Michael Glerup of the text from the original languages, and helpful callouts that show how the work relates to your personal spiritual formation.

  • Ancient Faith for the Church's Future, Edited byMark Husbands and Jeffrey P. Greenman

    Ancient Faith for the Church's Future

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Mark Husbands and Jeffrey P. Greenman

    Mark Husbands and Jeffrey P. Greenman edit fourteen essays exploring the theme of the value and significance of the early church for the contemporary witness and practice of the evangelical church, presented at the Wheaton Theology Conference of 2007.

  • Language for God in Patristic Tradition: Wrestling with Biblical Anthropomorphism, By Mark Sheridan

    Language for God in Patristic Tradition

    Wrestling with Biblical Anthropomorphism

    by Mark Sheridan

    Mark Sheridan, an expert in early Christianity, explores how ancient Christian theologians interpreted Scripture in order to address the problem of attributing human characteristics and emotions to God.

  • Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall

    Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers

    by Christopher A. Hall

    Christopher Hall shows that studying the writings of the leaders of the early church reveals how the Bible was understood in the centuries closest to its writing. He also lays out how modern Christians can benefit from patristic interpretation of Scripture.

  • How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity, By Thomas C. Oden

    How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind

    Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity

    by Thomas C. Oden

    Thomas C. Oden surveys the decisive role of African Christians and theologians in shaping the doctrines and practices of the church of the first five centuries, and makes an impassioned plea for the rediscovery of that heritage. Christians throughout the world will benefit from this reclaiming of an important heritage.

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