• Acts, Edited by Francis Martin


    Volume 5

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Francis Martin
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Acts of the Apostles—or the Acts of the Ascended Lord—is part two of Luke's story of "all that Jesus began to do and teach." In this ACCS volume, substantial selections from John Chrysostom and Bede the Venerable appear with occasional excerpts from Arator alongside many excerpts from the fragments preserved in J. A. Cramer's Catena in Acta SS. Apostolorum.

  • John 11-21, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    John 11-21

    Volume 4B

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Gospel of John was beloved by the early church for its spiritual insight and clear declaration of Jesus' divinity. In addition to the homilies of John Chrysostom, readers of this ACCS volume will find selections from Origen, Cyril of Alexandria, and Augustine, supplemented with homiletic material, liturgical selections, and doctrinal material from scores of other church fathers.

  • John 1-10, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    John 1-10

    Volume 4A

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Gospel of John was beloved by the early church for its spiritual insight and clear declaration of Jesus' divinity. In addition to the homilies of John Chrysostom, readers of this ACCS volume will find selections from Origen, Cyril of Alexandria, and Augustine, supplemented with homiletic material, liturgical selections, and doctrinal material from scores of other church fathers.

  • Luke, Edited by Arthur Just Jr


    Volume 3

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Arthur Just Jr
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    For the church fathers the Gospels did not serve as resources for individual analysis and academic study. They were read and heard and interpreted within the worshiping community. Among such sermons on Luke that have survived, this ACCS volume includes selections from Origen and Cyril of Alexandria as well as church fathers who addressed exegetical issues in theological treatises, pastoral letters, and catechetical lectures.

  • Mark, Edited by Thomas C. Oden and Christopher A. Hall


    Volume 2

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Thomas C. Oden
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden
    Edited by Christopher A. Hall

    The early church valued the Gospel of Mark for its preservation of the apostolic voice and gospel narrative of Peter. Yet the early church fathers very rarely produced sustained commentary on Mark. In this ACCS volume, the insights of Augustine of Hippo, Clement of Alexandria, Ephrem the Syrian, and Cyril of Jerusalem join in a polyphony of interpretive voices from the second to the eighth century.

  • Matthew 1-13, Edited by Manlio Simonetti

    Matthew 1-13

    Volume 1A

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Manlio Simonetti
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Gospel of Matthew stands out as a favorite biblical text among patristic commentators, including Origen, Hilary of Poitiers, Jerome, Theodore of Heraclea, Cyril of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Augustine, and more. In this ACCS volume, the rich abundance of patristic comment provides a feast of ancient interpretation of the First Gospel.

  • A Week in the Life of Rome, By James L. Papandrea

    A Week in the Life of Rome

    A Week in the Life Series

    by James L. Papandrea

    From the overcrowded apartment buildings of the poor to the halls of the emperors, this gripping tale of ambition, intrigue, and sacrifice is a compelling work of historical fiction that shows us the first-century Roman church as we've never seen it before. Illuminated with images and explanatory sidebars, we are invited into the daily struggles of the church at Rome just a few years before Paul wrote his famous epistle to them.

  • Romans 1-8, By Gwenfair Walters Adams

    Romans 1-8

    New Testament Volume 7

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by Gwenfair Walters Adams

    With its themes of grace, sin, justification, and salvation through Christ alone, Paul's letter to the early church in Rome has been a primary focus of Christian reflection throughout church history. In this RCS volume, church historian Gwenfair Adams guides readers through a diversity of early modern commentary on the first eight chapters of Paul's epistle to the Romans.

  • The Gospel of the Son of God: An Introduction to Matthew, By David R. Bauer

    The Gospel of the Son of God

    An Introduction to Matthew

    by David R. Bauer

    From beginning to end, the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God. In this comprehensive introduction to Matthew, David Bauer presents a holistic inductive approach with a literary, theological, and canonical focus. Exploring issues of genre, interpretive methods, authorship, audience, and literary structure, he also guides readers through interpretation and emerging theological themes.

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. Exploring Luke's portrait of the spirituality of Jesus, Catherine Wright focuses on the themes of simplicity, humility, and prayer in Jesus' life and teaching, considering how readers have understood and employed key Lukan passages for spiritual formation from the first century and the ancient church to today.

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