•  Knowing God Through the Old Testament: Three Volumes in One, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament

    Three Volumes in One

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Christopher J. H. Wright's Best Loved Books, Now in One Volume

    Combining three volumes into one, Knowing God Through the Old Testament brings together three of Christopher J. H. Wright's best loved books: Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, and Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament.

    Knowing ...

  • When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity, By Grace Ji-Sun Kim

    When God Became White

    Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity

    by Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    Foreword by David P. Gushee

    When Western Christians think about God, the default image that comes to mind is usually white and male. How did that happen?

    Christianity is rooted in the ancient Near East among people of darker skin. But over time, European Christians cast Jesus in their own image, with art that imagined a fair-skinned Savior in the style of imperial rulers. Grace Ji-Sun Kim explores the ...

  • Triune Relationality: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism, By Sherene Nicholas Khouri

    Triune Relationality

    A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Sherene Nicholas Khouri
    Foreword by Gary R. Habermas

    For centuries, Christians and Muslims have engaged each other in debate and critique. A key area of disagreement is the nature of God: Is God a Trinity or absolutely one? To promote interfaith dialogue, Christians must understand the history of the conversation and also articulate the doctrine of the Trinity in reasonable, compelling ways.

    In this New Explorations in Theology ...

  • The Royal Priest: Psalm 110 in Biblical Theology, By Matthew H. Emadi

    The Royal Priest

    Psalm 110 in Biblical Theology

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Matthew H. Emadi
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Despite its importance in the New Testament and the priestly messianic promise identified by King David, relatively little has been written on Psalm 110 from a biblical-theological perspective.

    By considering David's biblical warrant for bringing together priesthood and kingship in a single figure, Matthew Emadi shows how we are able to uncover the theological foundation on ...

  • Light Unapproachable: Divine Incomprehensibility and the Task of Theology, By Ronni Kurtz

    Light Unapproachable

    Divine Incomprehensibility and the Task of Theology

    by Ronni Kurtz

    How can finite creatures know an infinite God? How does limited knowledge impact what we can say of God?

    Retrieving and constructing important insight from Scripture and key patristic, medieval, early modern, and modern theologians, Ronni Kurtz presents a rich analysis of the doctrine of divine incomprehensibility. Our theological language, says Kurtz, cannot capture the full ...

  • The Wood Between the Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross, By Brian Zahnd

    The Wood Between the Worlds

    A Poetic Theology of the Cross

    by Brian Zahnd

    Experience the Kaleidoscopic Mystery of the Cross

    Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of Jesus is literally the crux of the story—the axis upon which the biblical story turns. But it would be a mistake to think we could sum up the significance of ...

  • Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God: A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability, By Craig A. Hefner

    Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God

    A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Craig A. Hefner
    Foreword by Daniel J. Treier

    Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was not afraid to express his opinions. Living amid what he perceived to be a culturally lukewarm Christianity, he was often critical of his contemporary church.

    But that does not mean Kierkegaard rejected traditional Christian theology. Indeed, at a time when many of his contemporaries were questioning the classical doctrine ...

  • Luke: An Introduction and Commentary, By Nicholas Perrin


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Nicholas Perrin
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel

    In this insightful and accessible commentary, Nicholas Perrin explores the many unique pictures of Jesus found in the Gospel of Luke—from being a child in his Father's house to associating with the poor and disreputable, in communion with the Holy Spirit, and, above all, setting out resolutely for Jerusalem to fulfill God's plan for the world.

    With particular attention to ...

  • Flood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God, By Matthew J. Lynch

    Flood and Fury

    Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

    by Matthew J. Lynch
    Foreword by Helen Paynter

    What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

    Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

    In ...

  • God Behaving Badly: Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?, By David T. Lamb

    God Behaving Badly

    Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?

    by David T. Lamb

    God has a bad reputation. Many think of God as wrathful and angry, smiting people right and left for no apparent reason. The Old Testament in particular seems at times to portray God as capricious and malevolent, wiping out armies and nations, punishing enemies with extreme prejudice..

    But wait. The story is more complicated than that. Alongside troubling passages of God's ...

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