• Beauty, Order, and Mystery: A Christian Vision of Human Sexuality, Edited by Gerald L. Hiestand and Todd Wilson

    Beauty, Order, and Mystery

    A Christian Vision of Human Sexuality

    Center for Pastor Theologians Series

    Edited by Gerald L. Hiestand and Todd Wilson

    Humans are sexual creatures.

    Our sexuality can be a beautiful and mysterious expression of what it means to be human. But it can also become distorted and sinful.

    Perhaps no issue is as urgent for the church today, or confronts it with as many questions, as human sexuality: What does it mean to fulfill God’s will through our sexuality? To what extent should our sexuality ...

  • Understanding Postmodernism: A Christian Perspective, By Stewart E. Kelly

    Understanding Postmodernism

    A Christian Perspective

    by Stewart E. Kelly
    With James K. Dew Jr.

    Postmodernity has matured. But the challenge of navigating our contemporary culture remains. In order for Christians to make wise decisions, we first need to understand the many facets of our postmodern context. If René Descartes is often identified as the first truly modern philosopher in light of his confidence in human reason, then postmodernism has taken Descartes to the woodshed. Stewart Kelly ...

  • Between Pacifism and Jihad: Just War and Christian Tradition, By J. Daryl Charles

    Between Pacifism and Jihad

    Just War and Christian Tradition

    by J. Daryl Charles

    Pacifism. Jihad. Militarism. Are these our only alternatives for dealing with global injustice today? J. Daryl Charles leads us to reconsider a Christian view of the use of force to maintain or reestablish justice. He shows how love for a neighbor can warrant the just use of force. Reviewing and updating the widely recognized but not necessarily well-understood just-war teaching of the church ...

  • Sinai and the Saints: Reading Old Covenant Laws for the New Covenant Community, By James M. Todd III

    Sinai and the Saints

    Reading Old Covenant Laws for the New Covenant Community

    by James M. Todd III

    What should Christians do with all the laws in the Old Testament? The Old Testament tells the story of the beginnings of God's salvation history, and it is part of the authoritative canon of Scripture affirmed by the church. But what role should the laws of the old covenant play in the lives of those living under the new covenant? Can Christians embrace the commandment to "love the Lord your ...

  • Power and Poverty: Divine and Human Rule in a World of Need, By Dewi Hughes

    Power and Poverty

    Divine and Human Rule in a World of Need

    by Dewi Hughes
    Foreword by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Author and theologian Dewi Arwel Hughes's conviction is that the suffering, through poverty, of such a vast number of people in our day is overwhelmingly the result of the misuse of power by others. In this wide-ranging, challenging book he unpacks a convicting thesis: that poverty has to do with the way in which we human beings use and abuse the power God gave us when he created us. Hughes challenges ...

  • Strange Virtues: Ethics in a Multicultural World, By Bernard T. Adeney-Riskotta

    Strange Virtues

    Ethics in a Multicultural World

    by Bernard T. Adeney-Riskotta

    Theologian and veteran missionary Bernard Adeney addresses in-depth what may be the stickiest crosscultural communication problem of our day: differing approaches to morality. In this comprehensive treatment, he considers ethics across cultures, addresses the ethical import of other religions and gender relations, explores how the Bible and culture interact to produce ethical stances, and includes ...

  • Same-Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life, By Ed Shaw

    Same-Sex Attraction and the Church

    The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life

    by Ed Shaw
    Foreword by Vaughan Roberts

    • The Gospel Coalition Top Books of 2015 in Christian Living
    • Tim Challies' Top Books of 2015
    • ProdigalThought.net's Top Reads of 2015
    • Leadership Journal's Best Ministry Books of the Year

    When Christians have same-sex attraction, how should the church respond? ...

  • Human Dignity in the Biotech Century: A Christian Vision for Public Policy, Edited by Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron

    Human Dignity in the Biotech Century

    A Christian Vision for Public Policy

    Edited by Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron

    What will be the greatest moral challenge facing our society throughout this century? Are we ready to face it? Editors Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron, along with a panel of expert contributors, make the case in this book that the greatest watershed debates of the twenty-first century concerning ethics and public policy will surround the issue of biotechnology. In twelve ...

  • Moral Darwinism: How We Became Hedonists, By Benjamin Wiker

    Moral Darwinism

    How We Became Hedonists

    by Benjamin Wiker
    Foreword by William A. Dembski

    Abortion. Euthanasia. Infanticide. Sexual promiscuity. Ideas and actions once unthinkable have become commonplace. We seem to live in a different moral universe than we occupied just a few decades ago. Consent and noncoercion seem to be the last vestiges of a morality long left behind. Christian moral tenets are now easily dismissed and have been replaced with what is curiously presented as a superior, ...

  • Fixing the Moral Deficit: A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget, By Ronald J. Sider

    Fixing the Moral Deficit

    A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget

    by Ronald J. Sider

    The national deficit is certainly a crisis. But alongside it a moral deficit is exploding as well. Some want to unjustly thrust the burden of the debt on our grandchildren. Others want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. But both plans are morally bankrupt. There is a way--a realistic way, a moral way--to fix the deficit. We can break political gridlock with solutions that stand on ...

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