• Priscilla: The Life of an Early Christian, By Ben Witherington III


    The Life of an Early Christian

    by Ben Witherington III

    Who was Priscilla? Ben Witherington combines biblical scholarship and winsome storytelling to give readers a vivid picture of this important New Testament woman. In this work of historical fiction, Priscilla's story makes the first-century biblical world come alive as she looks back on her long life and remembers the ways she has participated in the early church.

  • Ministering in Patronage Cultures: Biblical Models and Missional Implications, By Jayson Georges

    Ministering in Patronage Cultures

    Biblical Models and Missional Implications

    by Jayson Georges

    Patronage is a central part of global cultures and the biblical story of God's mission, yet many Westerners misunderstand or ignore this concept. In this resource for ministry practitioners and lay Christians alike, Jayson Georges brings his crosscultural experience and biblical insights to bear on the topic of patronage, with sections on cultural issues, biblical models, theological concepts, and missional implications.

  • Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church, By Bethany McKinney Fox

    Disability and the Way of Jesus

    Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church

    by Bethany McKinney Fox
    Foreword by John Swinton

    What does healing mean for people with disabilities? Bridging biblical studies, ethics, and disability studies with the work of practitioners, Bethany McKinney Fox examines healing narratives in their biblical and cultural contexts. This theologically grounded and winsomely practical resource helps us more fully understand what Jesus does as he heals and how he points the way for relationships with people with disabilities.

  • Voices and Views on Paul: Exploring Scholarly Trends, By Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers

    Voices and Views on Paul

    Exploring Scholarly Trends

    by Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers

    In the field of Pauline studies, much has changed over the last twenty years. In this reliable guide to the major terrain of Pauline scholarship, Ben Witherington and Jason Myers explain and analyze the thought of recent major Pauline interpreters and track developments within this dynamic field over the past two decades.

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. Exploring Luke's portrait of the spirituality of Jesus, Catherine Wright focuses on the themes of simplicity, humility, and prayer in Jesus' life and teaching, considering how readers have understood and employed key Lukan passages for spiritual formation from the first century and the ancient church to today.

  • Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context, Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones

    Paul and the Giants of Philosophy

    Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context

    Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones
    Foreword by John M. G. Barclay

    How was the apostle Paul influenced by the great philosophers of his age? Dodson and Briones have gathered contributors with diverse views who aim to make Paul's engagement with ancient philosophy accessible. These essays address Paul's interaction with Greco-Roman philosophical thinking on a particular topic, including discussion questions and reading lists to help readers engage the material further.

  • Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission, By Brad Vaughn

    Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes

    Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission

    by Brad Vaughn
    Foreword by E. Randolph Richards

    According to Brad Vaughn, some traditional East Asian cultural values are closer to those of the first-century biblical world than common Western cultural values. In this work Vaughn demonstrates how paying attention to East Asian culture provides a helpful lens for interpreting Paul's most complex letter, and we see how honor and shame shape so much of Paul's message and mission.

  • The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Mission of God

    Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. But Christopher Wright boldly maintains that there is a missional basis for the Bible! Beginning with the Old Testament and its groundwork for understanding who God is, what he has called his people to be and do, and how the nations fit into God's mission, Wright gives us a new hermeneutical perspective on Scripture.

  • Reading Mark's Christology Under Caesar: Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology, By Adam Winn

    Reading Mark's Christology Under Caesar

    Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology

    by Adam Winn

    Did Mark write his Gospel in response to Roman imperial propaganda surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem? Adam Winn helps us rediscover how Mark might have been read by Christians in Rome during the aftermath of this cataclysmic event. He introduces us to the imperial propaganda of the Flavian emperors and excavates the Markan text for themes that address the Roman imperial setting.

  • New Testament Christological Hymns: Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance, By Matthew E. Gordley

    New Testament Christological Hymns

    Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance

    by Matthew E. Gordley

    We know that the earliest Christians sang hymns. But are some of these early Christian hymns preserved for us in the New Testament? Matthew Gordley takes a new look at didactic hymns in the Greco-Roman and Jewish world of the early church, considering how they might function in the New Testament and what they could tell us about early Christian worship.

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