• Triune Relationality: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism, By Sherene Nicholas Khouri

    Triune Relationality

    A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Sherene Nicholas Khouri
    Foreword by Gary R. Habermas

    A key area of disagreement between Christians and Muslims is the nature of God: Is God a Trinity or absolutely one? Applying insights from early Arabic Christian theologians and philosophers to current conversations, Sherene Nicholas Khouri offers both historical and constructive responses to Islamic objections to the doctrine of the Trinity.

  • An Infinite Fountain of Light: Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century, By George M. Marsden

    An Infinite Fountain of Light

    Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century

    by George M. Marsden

    Drawing on deep expertise, George Marsden sets Jonathan Edwards within his historical context and sets forth his key points, unpacking the competing impulses that have shaped our times. By offering a contrasting view of God's beauty and love, Marsden shows how Edwards's insights can renew our own vision of creation, the divine, and ourselves.

  • World Religions in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic, By Douglas Groothuis

    World Religions in Seven Sentences

    A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic

    Introductions in Seven Sentences

    by Douglas Groothuis

    Understanding other faiths is essential not just to interreligious dialogue, but also to grasping one's own faith. Covering world religions including Atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, and Islam, Douglas Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence for each one as a way to open readers to their depth and complexity.

  • Religions on Trial: A Lawyer Examines Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and More, By W. Mark Lanier

    Religions on Trial

    A Lawyer Examines Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and More

    by W. Mark Lanier

    People today encounter a dizzying array of religious options. How do we know what is true? With perceptive insight, trial lawyer Mark Lanier presents the claims made by the world's great religions and cross-examines their witnesses to determine whether their claims are worthy of belief, showing what a difference it makes for our own lives.

  • Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions, By Winfried Corduan

    Neighboring Faiths

    A Christian Introduction to World Religions

    by Winfried Corduan

    In this updated and revised edition of a classic text, readers will find informed, empathetic insights into world religions like Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Native American religion, and many more. Emphasizing both formal teaching and daily practice, this text shows Christians how to engage adherents of these faiths in constructive dialogue.

  • Atheism on Trial: A Lawyer Examines the Case for Unbelief, By W. Mark Lanier

    Atheism on Trial

    A Lawyer Examines the Case for Unbelief

    by W. Mark Lanier

    In the courtroom, lawyers establish certain facts to prove their cases. But can the legal mind discern the validity of one's belief or unbelief? With an even-handed approach, nationally recognized trial lawyer Mark Lanier explores whether atheistic frameworks give satisfactory answers for understanding human existence and considers the questions of agnostics as to whether God is knowable.

  • A Short History of Christian Zionism: From the Reformation to the Twenty-First Century, By Donald M. Lewis

    A Short History of Christian Zionism

    From the Reformation to the Twenty-First Century

    by Donald M. Lewis

    Christian Zionism influences global politics, especially U.S. foreign policy, and has deeply affected Jewish–Christian and Muslim–Christian relations. With a fair-minded, longitudinal study of this dynamic yet controversial movement, Donald M. Lewis traces its lineage from biblical sources through the Reformation to various movements of today.

  • Effective Intercultural Evangelism: Good News in a Diverse World, By W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon

    Effective Intercultural Evangelism

    Good News in a Diverse World

    by W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon

    We live in a multicultural society, but many Christians hesitate to engage those of other faiths about Christianity. Exploring evangelism from the perspective of four major worldviews, Jay Moon and Bud Simon unpack the intercultural dynamics at hand when sharing the gospel across cultures, offering contextual evangelism approaches that are relevant, biblical, and practical.

  • The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog, By James W. Sire

    The Universe Next Door

    A Basic Worldview Catalog

    by James W. Sire
    Foreword by Jim Hoover

    For more than forty years, The Universe Next Door has set the standard for an introduction to worldviews. This sixth edition uses James Sire's widely influential model of eight basic worldview questions to examine prominent worldviews that have shaped the Western world, critiquing each worldview within its own frame of reference and in comparison to others.

  • The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope, By Munther Isaac

    The Other Side of the Wall

    A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope

    by Munther Isaac

    Christians have lived in Palestine since the earliest days of the Jesus movement, yet they are often unheard and ignored in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With both lament and hope, Palestinian pastor Munther Isaac offers a theology of the land and a vision for a shared land that belongs to God, where there are no second-class citizens of any kind.

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