• Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views, Edited by P. C. Kemeny

    Church, State and Public Justice

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by P. C. Kemeny
    Contributions by Clarke E. Cochran, Derek H. Davis, Corwin E. Smidt, Ronald J. Sider, and J. Philip Wogaman

    Edited by P. C. Kemeny, these five essays represent five major views of the relationship of the church and Christian teaching with respect to matters of public justice administered by our government. Each essay includes a response from the other four viewpoints.

  • Politics for Christians: Statecraft as Soulcraft, By Francis J. Beckwith

    Politics for Christians

    Statecraft as Soulcraft

    Christian Worldview Integration Series

    by Francis J. Beckwith

    What role should religious citizens take in a liberal democracy? What is the proper separation of church and state? What place should be made for natural rights and the moral law within a secular state? Francis J. Beckwith's cogent introduction to political thought surveys political science, politics and government while making the case for how statecraft may genuinely contribute to soulcraft.

  • Wesley and the Anglicans: Political Division in Early Evangelicalism, By Ryan Nicholas Danker

    Wesley and the Anglicans

    Political Division in Early Evangelicalism

    by Ryan Nicholas Danker

    Why did the Wesleyan Methodists and the Anglican evangelicals divide during the middle of the eighteenth century? Many say it was based narrowly on theological matters. Ryan Nicholas Danker suggests that politics was a major factor driving them apart. Rich in detail, this study offers deep insight into a critical juncture in evangelicalism and early Methodism.

  • Subverting Global Myths: Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World, By Vinoth Ramachandra

    Subverting Global Myths

    Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World

    by Vinoth Ramachandra

    Vinoth Ramachandra considers six areas of contemporary global discourse where powerful myths energize and mobilize a great deal of public funding, academic production and media attention: myths about terrorism, religious violence, human rights, multiculturalism, science and postcolonialism.

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