• Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts, By Lucy Peppiatt

    Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women

    Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts

    by Lucy Peppiatt
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Does God call women to serve as equal partners in marriage and as leaders in the church? With careful exegetical work, Lucy Peppiatt considers relevant passages in Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Peter, 1 Timothy, and 1 Corinthians. There she finds a story of God releasing women alongside men into all forms of ministry, leadership, work, and service on the basis of character and gifting, rather than biological sex.

  • A Big Gospel in Small Places: Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters, By Stephen Witmer

    A Big Gospel in Small Places

    Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters

    by Stephen Witmer
    Foreword by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

    Christian ministries increasingly prioritize urban areas—big cities and suburbs are considered more strategic, more influential, and more desirable places to live and work. As a ministry strategy, focusing on big places makes sense. But the gospel of Jesus is often unstrategic. Pastor Stephen Witmer, using helpful stories and practical advice, lays out an integrated theological vision for small-place ministry today.

  • Sent to Flourish: A Guide to Planting and Multiplying Churches, Edited by Len Tang and Charles E. Cotherman

    Sent to Flourish

    A Guide to Planting and Multiplying Churches

    Edited by Len Tang and Charles E. Cotherman

    How can church planters and their congregations flourish for the long haul? Written by a diverse team of scholar-practitioners and filled with real-world insights, stories, and questions for reflection and discussion, this guide gives church planters and their teams the tools to be theologically reflective, spiritually grounded, and missionally agile.

  • The Arts as Witness in Multifaith Contexts, Edited by Roberta R. King and William A. Dyrness

    The Arts as Witness in Multifaith Contexts

    Missiological Engagements

    Edited by Roberta R. King and William A. Dyrness

    In search of holistic Christian witness, we must cultivate new approaches for integrating the arts into mission praxis. Written by missiologists, art critics, ethnodoxologists, and theologians from around the world, these essays present historical and contemporary case studies while calling Christians to understand the power of art for expressing cultural and religious identity, opening spaces for transformative encounters, and resisting injustice.

  • The World, By John Stott

    The World

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. In this practical book, Stott presents four major aspects of the church's mission—God's assignment to infiltrate the world and share the good news.

  • The Church, By John Stott

    The Church

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. In this practical book, Stott presents a biblical portrait of the church as a covenant community at the center of God's purposes.

  • The Bible, By John Stott

    The Bible

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. With pastoral wisdom and clear biblical exposition, Stott helps readers understand the central role of the Word of God in the church and the individual lives of all followers of Jesus.

  • The Disciple, By John Stott

    The Disciple

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. In this practical book, Stott explores four often-neglected aspects of Christian discipleship in light of Scripture.

  • What Is Jesus Doing?: God's Activity in the Life and Work of the Church, Edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel

    What Is Jesus Doing?

    God's Activity in the Life and Work of the Church

    Edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel

    How do we understand Jesus' present activity in a challenging, post-Christian context? Leading thinkers in pastoral theology, homiletics, liturgical theology, and missiology consider how to recognize the divine presence and join in what God is already doing in all areas of church ministry. With deep theological reflection, personal stories, and practical suggestions, this is a compelling interdisciplinary conversation.

  • I See You: How Love Opens Our Eyes to Invisible People, By Terence Lester

    I See You

    How Love Opens Our Eyes to Invisible People

    by Terence Lester
    Foreword by Dave Gibbons

    It can be easy to overlook the poor and homeless. But truly seeing leads us to act with compassion and justice. Sharing personal encounters and real-life stories, Terence Lester calls us to see the invisible people around us through God's eyes, restoring their dignity and helping them flourish. And when we recognize our own inner spiritual poverty, we have greater empathy for others, no matter their circumstances.

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