• The Fire of the Word: Meeting God on Holy Ground, By Chris Webb

    The Fire of the Word

    Meeting God on Holy Ground

    by Chris Webb
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster

    Too often we study biblical texts without believing that God truly inhabits this book. In these pages Chris Webb shows how reading the Bible with the right approach can reconfigure the habits of your heart, refresh your imagination and memory, reshape and redeem your emotions, realign your reality individually and communally for kingdom life.

  • Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions, By Albert Haase OFM

    Coming Home to Your True Self

    Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions

    by Albert Haase OFM
    Foreword by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

    Albert Haase presents the spiritual journey as a return home. And home is the sacrament of the present moment. It is only living right now, right here, that we discover life and this world awash in the grace of God. We simply need to become aware and grow in greater sensitivity to the divine Presence who dwells within and in whom we dwell.

  • Noticing God, By Richard Peace

    Noticing God

    by Richard Peace

    Richard Peace unpacks what it means to make a conscious practice of noticing God in daily life. He explores the various ways people experience and recognize God's presence in mystical encounters, ordinary life, our hearts, through other people, through Scripture, nature and the church. God is present in our world. You can encounter him. Here's how.

  • The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows, By James Bryan Smith

    The Good and Beautiful God

    Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows

    The Good and Beautiful Series

    by James Bryan Smith

    Turning to the Gospels, James Bryan Smith invites you to compare your ideas about God with what Jesus himself reveals about his Father. In this Good and Beautiful Series book, Smith leads you through a process of spiritual formation that includes activities aimed at making these new narratives real in your body and soul as well as your mind.

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