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1 and 2 Kings: God's Imperfect Servants, By Carolyn Nystrom

1 and 2 Kings

God's Imperfect Servants

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Some chose to follow God. Others followed only fame and fortune. They lived through times of difficulty and times of triumph, through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through discontent. This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study focuses on the character of the kings of the Old Testament and what we can learn from them. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies ...

Number of Studies: 10

Christian Community, By Rob Suggs

Christian Community

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Rob Suggs

One of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us is each other. Through Christ's body, the church, we discover our unique gifts and experience worship, healing and power. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Rob Suggs leads us to grow in community—loving and nurturing one another, and in reflecting Christ's love to the world around us. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible ...

Number of Studies: 10

Colossians and Philemon, By Martha Reapsome

Colossians and Philemon

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Martha Reapsome

We all long for more—more wisdom, more maturity, more power, more faith. To satisfy our longings we attend seminars, go to concerts, listen to celebrity speakers and read popular books. Yet often we come away from these experiences feeling empty. The New Testament books of Colossians and Philemon were written to meet our deepest needs. As you dig into their depths of wisdom in this ten-session ...

Number of Studies: 10

Depending on Jesus: Discovering the Sufficiency of Christ, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Depending on Jesus

Discovering the Sufficiency of Christ

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

As believers know we have to depend on Jesus for many things: for salvation, for guidance, for forgiveness, for daily needs. But to depend on Christ for everything? Excluding nothing? It's a scary—but also a profoundly biblical—idea. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, you'll explore instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, ...

Number of Studies: 10

Ezekiel: Visions of God's Glory, By Douglas Connelly


Visions of God's Glory

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Ezekiel was a fascinating man who wrote a fascinating book filled with strange and powerful visions. At first glance, Ezekiel seems a little eccentric and difficult to get close to, but he is worth the time and effort to get to know. Ezekiel, perhaps more than any other biblical prophet, wanted to know God—and God revealed himself to this prophet in mysterious and mighty ways.

In ...

Number of Studies: 10

Friendship: Growing Side by Side, By Carolyn Nystrom


Growing Side by Side

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Friends help you mature emotionally and spiritually. Friends teach you about forgiveness. Friends love you no matter what. Carolyn Nystrom leads you through ten inductive studies to discover what the Bible teaches about friendship. As you dig into the stories of friends like David and Jonathan or Ruth and Naomi, you will experience the riches of godly friendship for yourself. This ten-session ...

Number of Studies: 10

God's Love: Knowing God Through the Psalms, By Ruth Ann Ridley

God's Love

Knowing God Through the Psalms

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Ruth Ann Ridley

God cares for you in many ways! He offers help, calms your fears, guides you and strengthens you. In this ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Ruth Ann Ridley helps you explore the Psalms, showing how these songs of God's people reveal the character, love and care of God. By reading, studying and praying Psalms--and by applying their teaching to your life--you will discover how God ...

Number of Studies: 10

How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study, By Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion! You only need a few basic skills. This ten-session guidebook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch (both veteran discussion leaders and experienced LifeGuide® Bible Study creators) will show you

  • how to start a group
  • how to decide what to study
  • how to prepare to lead
  • how to study the Bible
  • how ...

Number of Studies: 10

Images of Christ, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Images of Christ

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Good Shepherd. Branch. Bridegroom. Cornerstone. There are many images of Christ in Scripture. Some of these word-portraits are easier for us to grasp than others, but each reveals an important aspect of who Christ is. By helping us understand the different images, these ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Dale and Sandy Larsen lead us to know and respond to the reality behind the ...

Number of Studies: 10

Images of God, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Images of God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Rock. Warrior. Peacemaker. Builder. Husband. Potter. The pictures of God in Scripture are multifaceted. In each of these ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide, Dale and Sandy Larsen show you another aspect of your powerful and peaceful Lord. But the purpose of this guide goes far beyond surveying the images of God. The Larsens also lead you to focus on your relationship to the reality ...

Number of Studies: 10

Integrity: Living the Truth, By Carolyn Nystrom


Living the Truth

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Is truth an outdated concept? Today it is often considered rude to speak of right and wrong. In such a culture of relativism, we desperately need to be reminded of the biblical value of integrity. In these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study invite us to find contentment in who are and how we follow God as we grow to be people of real integrity. For over three decades ...

Number of Studies: 10

Jesus the Reason, By James W. Sire

Jesus the Reason

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by James W. Sire

What reason do you have for believing Christianity is true? The best reason is Jesus himself. In this ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study, James W. Sire invites you to meet Jesus by digging deep into the Bible. You'll discover what Jesus did and said. And you'll be encouraged to decide what place Jesus has in your life today. Whether you are reading the Gospels for the first time or ...

Number of Studies: 10

Listening to God, By Carolyn Nystrom

Listening to God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Does God hear us? Does God speak? How can we connect with God when all seems to be lost? What is our role in listening? Through exploring both biblical characters and teaching, the ten studies in this LifeGuide® Bible Study helps us understand how to seek and find an ever deeper dialogue with God. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and ...

Number of Studies: 10

Meeting the Spirit, By Douglas Connelly

Meeting the Spirit

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Who is the Holy Spirit? How does he change our lives? How does he work in the world? In ten sessions LifeGuide® Bible Study, Douglas Connelly helps you examine these and other critical questions. You will see that the Spirit of God is eager to work in your life to draw you closer to God. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions ...

Number of Studies: 10

Money and Work, By Carolyn Nystrom

Money and Work

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Money and work: just the words themselves can cause anxiety. Mortgages, saving for retirement and bottom lines can easily overwhelm us to the point of despair. But God, who "gives us richly all things to enjoy," wants his people to live in freedom, trusting him and learning to manage our gifts wisely and generously. By pointing to his trustworthiness and generosity, these ten-session LifeGuide® ...

Number of Studies: 10

Motherhood: Being Grounded in Christ, By Patty Pell


Being Grounded in Christ

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Patty Pell

Motherhood is complicated. It can bring about feelings of deep love and joy, frustration, helplessness, tenderness, guilt, contentment and longing—all in an hour! In these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on biblical motherhood, student minister and mother Patty Pell helps you discover the truth about who you are, who God is and how he sees you. As you learn to rest in your identity ...

Number of Studies: 10

New Testament Characters, By Carolyn Nystrom

New Testament Characters

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

  • A throwaway woman
  • A blind beggar
  • A prison guard
  • A doubting disciple
  • An elderly couple

They were ordinary people. Some were never even mentioned by name. Yet they were all touched by Jesus. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Carolyn Nystrom introduces you to the fascinating men and women of the New Testament. As you enter into ...

Number of Studies: 10

Paul: His Life and Teaching, By Jack Kuhatschek


His Life and Teaching

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek

The apostle Paul led a dramatic and fascinating life from his conversion on the road to Damascus to his imprisonments to his speeches in the public square. His letters shaped the believers in the early church just as they do today. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Jack Kuhatschek we will survey both the highlights of his life and the core teachings in his writings. For over ...

Number of Studies: 10

Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, By William Mouser Jr.


Learning to Live Wisely

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by William Mouser Jr.

Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? If you are like many others, you have a shelf full of "how-to" books to supplement your own knowledge and experience. Now it's time to add Proverbs to that shelf! Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you ...

Number of Studies: 10

Resurrection: Living as People of the Risen Lord, By Kristie Berglund


Living as People of the Risen Lord

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Kristie Berglund

Christ's resurrection changed everything. What does it mean to live in the light of that glorious day? This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores the role of resurrection in our lives through a survey of both New and Old Testament passages. Discover your calling and identity as a child of the risen Lord. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical ...

Number of Studies: 10

Service: Ministry with Heart and Hands, By R. Paul Stevens


Ministry with Heart and Hands

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by R. Paul Stevens

This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study includes ten sessions exploring service in a variety of contexts: family, the physical creation, society, the city, neighbors, relationships, the church and the workplace. Looking inside ministry specifically, R. Paul Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love—from Genesis to Revelation. ...

Number of Studies: 10

Singleness: A Life Grounded in Love, By Ruth Goring


A Life Grounded in Love

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Ruth Goring

Is being single a great adventure? Or is being single lonely and frustrating? What is God's "word" for your life in singleness? In this ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Ruth Goring leads you to explore these questions. You will learn to listen deeply to God, identify the gifts your life offers, cope effectively with temptation, make space for relationships, and grow into a sense ...

Number of Studies: 10

The Kingdom of God, By Greg Jao

The Kingdom of God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Greg Jao

Jesus speaks often of "the kingdom of God." What is it? Where is it? When is it? Why is it so important? Understanding and participating in God's kingdom on earth is central to the Christian life. In this study guide, Gregory Jao leads you through ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study that explore God's kindgom—transforming your picture of God, Christianity and your role in the world. ...

Number of Studies: 10

The Twelve Disciples, By Douglas Connelly

The Twelve Disciples

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Jesus had about three years to mold a dozen fearful, faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement. Despite this brief window, time in Jesus' presence had a transforming effect on each of them, and they would be changed by Jesus' power. In this ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study of Jesus' first followers will transform you too. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies ...

Number of Studies: 10

Woman of God, By Cindy Bunch

Woman of God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Cindy Bunch

How can you become a woman of God? Leading you through a series of studies drawn from Old and New Testament passages, Bunch offers Scripture as the best guide to help you develop the traits of a godly woman. She includes sessions on how to be strong, trustworthy, wise, resourceful, forgiving, beautiful, content, confident--and how to claim God's grace when you fall short. This ten-session LifeGuide® ...

Number of Studies: 10

Bible Study Articles & Interviews

Read articles and interviews on Scripture and Bible study, brought to you by IVP Extra.