Life among Christians can be great. But it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship in Christ too often give way to division and debate. You may find yourself drawn into arguments over such things as the correct form of worship or the proper role of charismatic gifts. Perhaps you wonder, Why don't we get along together as we should? Or How can we recapture the unity of the ...
Number of Studies: 13
Do you wonder about the "end times"--
As R. Paul Stevens leads you to examine for yourself what the Bible says about end times, you'll learn what you can do now to be ready for the future--whatever it holds. In this thirteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study features additional questions ...
Number of Studies: 13
"What's the use?" At times of frustration or disappointment, it is tempting to ask this question. You work and work to grow to Christian maturity, but you seem to get nowhere--repeating your mistakes, neglecting your commitments, losing your motivation. The original readers of Hebrews felt the same way! Yet the writer of this New Testament letter cheers for them to stay on track and never quit, ...
Number of Studies: 13
We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?
In this thirteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the first half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish—or renew—your ...
Number of Studies: 13
We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?
In this thirteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the second half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish—or renew—your ...
Number of Studies: 13
Once you've met Jesus, you are never the same again. His teaching challenges your thinking. His compassion softens your heart. His love turns your life around. In this thirteen session LifeGuide® Bible Study, evangelist Leighton Ford leads you through thirteen studies from the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that will open your eyes anew--or for the first time--to Jesus ...
Number of Studies: 13
Christian faith is centered in the cross. And the Christian life is likewise rooted in the cross. The studies in this guide, based on John Stott's book The Cross of Christ, are designed to bring us to the heart of the cross with an understanding of what was accomplished there on our behalf. We begin with an individual perspective but move on from there into a deeper understanding of what ...
Number of Studies: 13
In every age people have felt certain that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, "Come, Lord Jesus!" In this fourteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, R. Paul Stevens discusses amid the uncertainties ...
Number of Studies: 14
Sometimes our worship loses its passion. Our prayer life becomes stagnant. We forget why we are serving God. And slowly, subtly, the world's ways become our ways. In this nineteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the book of Romans addresses these problems, showing us how we can break out of old patterns and become new in Christ. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have ...
Number of Studies: 19
In the New Testament Gospel of Mark, we meet Jesus, the man who is King. But this king comes to serve--not to be served. He eats with sinners rather than royalty. His crown is made of thorns instead of gold. This twenty session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide introduces you to the compassionate, suffering, astonishing king who calls us to follow him. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible ...
Number of Studies: 20
Do you look around you and see nothing but trouble? Or are you experiencing firsthand a time of suffering? Do you wonder how any good can come out of the world you live in? In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, you'll discover that trouble and suffering are nothing new to God's people. But the prophet Isaiah raises a loud cry for revival in this midst of a rotting society. Isaiah firmly believes ...
Number of Studies: 22
What would it be like to be discipled by Jesus himself? What would he teach you about relationships, priorities, wealth and his coming kingdom? What would you learn from his actions? Matthew's Gospel brings you face to face with Jesus as he calls, teaches and prepares his disciples. As you work through these twenty-two session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Matthew, you can become one of those ...
Number of Studies: 22
Trust God. Sounds simple, right? Yet, you know it is often very, very difficult to trust God with the things that matter most to you--money, career, marriage, health. As you study the book of Exodus, you'll see that Israel faced similar struggles to trust God completely. In this story of hardship and hope, you'll discover along with Israel that God--and God alone--is worthy of our trust. In this ...
Number of Studies: 24
Do you struggle to know and follow God's call for you in the world? In this twenty-six session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Genesis, tells us that even the giants of faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph—struggled to obey their Creator. But Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, also reveals the amazing truth that the God who called a world and a nation into being also calls each ...
Number of Studies: 26
Good news! It was good news not only of Jesus' birth but of what he offered to men, women and children throughout his ministry. To the sick he offered healing. To the hurting, comfort. To the outcast, acceptance. In this twenty-six session LifeGuide® Bible Study Ada Lum leads you to discover that this message of hope and joy is for you as well! This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP's revised ...
Number of Studies: 26
Read articles and interviews on Scripture and Bible study, brought to you by IVP Extra.
In our lonely culture, community is more vital now than ever. But how do we pursue it? Studying the Bible together is one way to build life-giving spiritual community. Learn practical ways of participating in church small groups that foster spiritual growth, friendship, and connection.
In this interview, Terry Wildman tells of his encounter with a Hopi version of the New Testament, and how that experience planted the seed that became The First Nations Version of the New Testament, reflecting the oral storytelling of Native cultures.
Drawing from his experience training students to study the Bible, Andrew Abernethy provides a holistic six-step method for Bible study in his book "Savoring Scripture." In this interview, he shares how Christians can rediscover the joy in reading Scripture in a way that combines textual analysis and the transformation work of the Holy Spirit.