• Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire, By Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat

    Colossians Remixed

    Subverting the Empire

    by Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat

    Drawing together biblical scholarship with a passion for authentic lives that embody the gospel, this groundbreaking interpretation of Colossians from Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat provides us with tools to subvert the empire of our own context in a way that acknowledges the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

  • The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach, By Michael R. Licona

    The Resurrection of Jesus

    A New Historiographical Approach

    by Michael R. Licona

    Could there be any new and promising approach to the question of the historicity of Jesus' resurrection? Yes, answers Michael Licona. And he convincingly points us to a significant deficiency in approaching this question: our historiographical orientation and practice. He then carefully and effectively applies his principles and methods to the question of Jesus' resurrection.

  • Shades of Sheol: Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament, By Philip S. Johnston

    Shades of Sheol

    Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament

    by Philip S. Johnston

    Philip S. Johnston examines Israelite views on death and afterlife as reflected in the Hebrew Bible and in material remains, and sets them in their cultural, literary and theological contexts.

  • God's Rivals: Why Has God Allowed Different Religions? Insights from the Bible and the Early Church, By Gerald R. McDermott

    God's Rivals

    Why Has God Allowed Different Religions? Insights from the Bible and the Early Church

    by Gerald R. McDermott

    Gerald R. McDermott explores the question, "Why are there other religions?" He looks at teaching from the Old and New Testaments and from a number of key teachers from the early church to suggest an answer to this perplexing but intriguing question.

  • Can Evangelicals Learn from World Religions?: Jesus, Revelation  Religious Traditions, By Gerald R. McDermott

    Can Evangelicals Learn from World Religions?

    Jesus, Revelation Religious Traditions

    by Gerald R. McDermott

    More than ever before, Christians need to explain why they follow Jesus and not the Buddha or Confucius or Krishna or Muhammed. This evangelical theology of religions addresses the problem of truth and revelation, and takes seriously the normative claims of other traditions. McDermott shows readers what Christians can learn from world religions without sacrificing the finality of Christ.

  • Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace, By James B. Torrance

    Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace

    by James B. Torrance

    Refuting the notion that the doctrine of the Trinity may be indispensable for the creed but remote from life and worship, James B. Torrance points us to the indispensable "who" of worship--the triune God of grace. He demonstrates why trinitarian theology is the very essence of Christian confession.

  • The Openness of God: A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God, By Clark H. Pinnock and Richard Rice and John Sanders and William Hasker and David Basinger

    The Openness of God

    A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God

    by Clark H. Pinnock, Richard Rice, John Sanders, William Hasker, and David Basinger

    Clark Pinnock, Richard Rice, John Sanders, William Hasker and David Basinger argue for a new perspective on God and his work in the world, both rejecting process theology and demanding reconsideration of classical doctrines of God's immutability, impassability and foreknowledge. A 1995 Christianity Today Book Award winner!

  • Invitation to Theology: A Guide to Study, Conversation  Practice, By Michael Jinkins

    Invitation to Theology

    A Guide to Study, Conversation Practice

    by Michael Jinkins

    Michael Jinkins invites you to walk through the theological maze as you follow the pattern of the Apostles' Creed and consider the most profound reflections on Christian belief to be found through the ages.

  • The Shape of Practical Theology: Empowering Ministry with Theological Praxis, By Ray S. Anderson

    The Shape of Practical Theology

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  • The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition  Reform, By Roger E. Olson

    The Story of Christian Theology

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    by Roger E. Olson

    In his book, poised to become a standard historical theology textbook, Roger Olson takes us on a journey of events ranging from the apostolic fathers to the Reformation to the present.

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