• Paul's

    Paul's "Works of the Law" in the Perspective of Second-Century Reception

    by Matthew J. Thomas
    Foreword by Alister E. McGrath

    When Paul wrote that we are justified by faith apart from "works of the law" what did he mean? Matthew J. Thomas examines how Paul's second-century readers understood the conflicting interpretations, how their readings relate to "old" and "new" perspectives, and what their collective witness suggests about the apostle's own meaning.

  • From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith, By Louis Markos

    From Plato to Christ

    How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith

    by Louis Markos

    Christians throughout the history of the church and even today have inherited aspects of the ancient Greek philosophy of Plato. To help us understand the influence of Platonic thought on the Christian faith, Louis Markos offers careful readings of some of Plato's best-known texts and then traces the ways that his work shaped some of Christianity's most beloved theologians.

  • Postmortem Opportunity: A Biblical and Theological Assessment of Salvation After Death, By James Beilby

    Postmortem Opportunity

    A Biblical and Theological Assessment of Salvation After Death

    by James Beilby

    What happens to those who did not hear the gospel before death, or who heard an incorrect version? What about those who were too young or who were otherwise unable to respond? Examining the biblical evidence and assessing the theological implications, James Beilby offers a careful consideration of the possibility for salvation after death.

  • Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew, By Hans Boersma

    Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew

    by Hans Boersma
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    The relationship between theology and biblical studies is often marked by misunderstandings, methodological differences, and cross-discipline tension. With an irenic spirit as well as honesty about differences that remain, theologian Hans Boersma highlights five things he wishes biblical scholars knew about theology so that these disciplines might once again serve the church hand in hand.

  • God Has Chosen: The Doctrine of Election Through Christian History, By Mark R. Lindsay

    God Has Chosen

    The Doctrine of Election Through Christian History

    by Mark R. Lindsay

    Throughout the church's history, Christians have sought to understand the doctrine of election. On this journey through the Bible and church history, theologian Mark Lindsay turns to the various articulations of the early church fathers, John Calvin's view, the subsequent debate between Calvinists and Arminians, and Karl Barth's modern reconception of the doctrine.

  • Original Sin and the Fall: Five Views, Edited by J. B. Stump and Chad Meister

    Original Sin and the Fall

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by J. B. Stump and Chad Meister

    Throughout the church's history, Christians have disagreed over many particular questions surrounding humanity's fall. In this Spectrum Multiview book contributors present five views on these questions—Augustinian-Reformed, Moderate Reformed, Wesleyan, Eastern Orthodox, and a Reconceived view—offering both an articulation of their own view and responses to the others.

  • The Doctrine of Creation: A Constructive Kuyperian Approach, By Bruce Riley Ashford and Craig G. Bartholomew

    The Doctrine of Creation

    A Constructive Kuyperian Approach

    by Bruce Riley Ashford and Craig G. Bartholomew

    According to Bruce Ashford and Craig Bartholomew, one of the best sources for regaining a robust, biblical doctrine of creation is the recovery of Dutch neo-Calvinism. Tracing historical treatments and exploring theological themes, Ashford and Bartholomew develop the Kuyperian tradition's rich resources on creation for systematic theology and the life of the church today.

  • Hurting Yet Whole: Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness, By Liuan Huska

    Hurting Yet Whole

    Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness

    by Liuan Huska

    What is healing when our bodies suffer chronic illness? As Liuan Huska went through years of chronic pain, she questioned how the Christian story speaks to our experiences of pain and illness. Countering a gnosticism that pits body against spirit, Huska helps us redefine what it means to find healing and wholeness, even in the midst of ongoing pain.

  • Splendour in the Dark: C. S. Lewis's Dymer in His Life and Work, By Jerry Root

    Splendour in the Dark

    C. S. Lewis's Dymer in His Life and Work

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Jerry Root
    Notes by David C. Downing

    Several years before he converted to Christianity, C. S. Lewis published a narrative poem, Dymer, which not only sheds light on the development of his literary skills but also offers a glimpse of his intellectual and spiritual growth. Including the complete annotated text of Lewis's poem, this volume helps us understand both Lewis's change of mind and our own journeys of faith.

  • Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity, By Robert Chao Romero

    Brown Church

    Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity

    by Robert Chao Romero

    The Latina/o culture and identity have long been shaped by their challenges to the religious, socio-economic, and political status quo. Robert Chao Romero explores the "Brown Church" and how this movement appeals to the vision for redemption that includes not only heavenly promises but also the transformation of our lives and the world.

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