• Dwell: Life with God for the World, By Barry D. Jones


    Life with God for the World

    by Barry D. Jones
    Foreword by Michael Frost

    Christians often wrestle with their role in this fallen, physical world. But Jesus, the Incarnate One, offers a radical model for living as he teaches us how to dwell in the world for the sake of the world. If we are to become like him, we must learn what it means to live out this missional spirituality in the places we dwell.

  • What Your Body Knows About God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive, By Rob Moll

    What Your Body Knows About God

    How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive

    by Rob Moll
    Foreword by Michael Card

    Scientists are now discovering ways that our bodies are designed to connect with God. Award-winning journalist Rob Moll explores the fascinating ways in which our brains and bodies interact with God and spiritual realities, using neuroscience to show how our brains actually change and adapt when engaged in spiritual practices.

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