• Having the Mind of Christ: Eight Axioms to Cultivate a Robust Faith, By Matt Tebbe and Ben Sternke

    Having the Mind of Christ

    Eight Axioms to Cultivate a Robust Faith

    by Matt Tebbe and Ben Sternke

    Despite our deep desire to live in the freedom that Christ offers, we are acutely aware of the gap between a transformed life and our reality. While behavioral changes can bear good results, true transformation requires a change in paradigm. Pastors Matt Tebbe and Ben Sternke share eight axioms that help us open ourselves to the transformational change that God wants for our lives.

  • Wait with Me: Meeting God in Loneliness, By Jason Gaboury

    Wait with Me

    Meeting God in Loneliness

    by Jason Gaboury

    Jason Gaboury has wrestled with loneliness ever since he can remember. But when he was challenged to see loneliness as a context for friendship with God, things began to change. In these pages God invites you to stop and wait with him in your own moments of isolation and anxiety, journeying from loneliness into a deeper life with God.

  • Soul Care in African American Practice, By Barbara L. Peacock

    Soul Care in African American Practice

    by Barbara L. Peacock

    Spiritual director and pastor Barbara Peacock illustrates how the practices of spiritual formation are woven into African American culture and lived out in the rich heritage of its faith community. Using the examples of ten significant men and women, Barbara helps us engage in practices of soul care as we learn from these spiritual leaders.

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy, By Cindy Bunch

    Be Kind to Yourself

    Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy

    by Cindy Bunch
    Foreword by Ruth Haley Barton

    It's easy to let self-criticism become our default setting. But as we learn to pay attention to what bugs us and identify negative thinking, we can lean into the things that bring us joy. Filled with spiritual practices and creative exercises, this book from spiritual director Cindy Bunch calls us to self-care through greater compassion for ourselves.

  • Spiritual Conversations with Children: Listening to God Together, By Lacy Finn Borgo

    Spiritual Conversations with Children

    Listening to God Together

    by Lacy Finn Borgo

    When children have a listening companion who hears, acknowledges, and encourages their early experiences with God, it creates a spiritual footprint that shapes their lives. Lacy Finn Borgo draws on her experience of practicing spiritual direction with children as she introduces key skills for engaging kids in spiritual conversations, offering sample dialogues, prayers to use together, and ideas for play, art, and movement.

  • Tending Soul, Mind, and Body: The Art and Science of Spiritual Formation, Edited by Gerald L. Hiestand and Todd Wilson

    Tending Soul, Mind, and Body

    The Art and Science of Spiritual Formation

    Center for Pastor Theologians Series

    Edited by Gerald L. Hiestand and Todd Wilson

    Jesus consistently demonstrated his concern and love for the whole person, and that task is carried forward today by church leaders. Based on the 2018 CPT conference, this volume brings together reflections by pastors, theologians, and psychologists who explore the relationships among three fields of study—theological anthropology, spiritual formation, and modern psychology—resulting in a vibrant whole-person theology.

  • Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation, By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Doug Calhoun and Clare Loughrige and Scott Loughrige

    Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram

    A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation

    by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Doug Calhoun, Clare Loughrige, and Scott Loughrige
    Foreword by Jerome Wagner

    The Enneagram opens a remarkable window into the truth about us, but simply diagnosing our number doesn't do justice to who we are. Transformation happens as we grow in awareness and learn how to apply Enneagram insights to the rhythms of our daily lives. Filled with exercises to engage, challenge, encourage, and sustain, this handbook will help us grow in greater awareness and lead us to spiritual and relational transformation.

  • Spiritual Practices in Community: Drawing Groups into the Heart of God, By Diana Shiflett

    Spiritual Practices in Community

    Drawing Groups into the Heart of God

    by Diana Shiflett

    Diana Shiflett has spent years leading groups of all descriptions in spiritual practices, and in this personal, hands-on guide, she walks us through a wide array—from communal silence and Scripture meditation to active prayer and corporate discernment. Offering step-by-step instructions, this resource will show you how spiritual practices can become life-giving resources in your ministry setting for years to come.

  • An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich, By Veronica Mary Rolf

    An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich

    Explorer's Guides

    by Veronica Mary Rolf

    Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love is truly an astounding work: an inspiring example of Christian mysticism, a unique contribution to Christian theology, the first book in English known to have been written by a woman. Veronica Mary Rolf guides us as we read, examining its fourteenth-century context and illuminating our understanding of this enduring work.

  • Reading Your Life's Story: An Invitation to Spiritual Mentoring, By Keith R. Anderson

    Reading Your Life's Story

    An Invitation to Spiritual Mentoring

    by Keith R. Anderson

    Keith R. Anderson unfolds a vision for mentoring that invites us to read our own lives as narrative as well as to learn how to enter the narrative of another life. These pages cover the scope of the mentoring relationship through various seasons, offering helpful and inspiring metaphors for mentoring. All are invited to enter the mentoring story.

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