• Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour, By John Goldingay

    Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour

    by John Goldingay

    How might we learn ethics from the Old Testament? Trusted guide John Goldingay urges us to let the Old Testament itself set the agenda. Topically organized with short, stand-alone chapters, this volume takes readers through the Old Testament's teaching about relationships, work, Sabbath, character, and more, featuring Goldingay's own translation and discussion questions for group use.

  • Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction, By Craig G. Bartholomew and Ryan P. O'Dowd

    Old Testament Wisdom Literature

    A Theological Introduction

    by Craig G. Bartholomew and Ryan P. O'Dowd

    Craig G. Bartholomew and Ryan P. O'Dowd provide an informed introduction to the Old Testament wisdom books Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. Establishing the books in the context of ancient Near Eastern wisdom traditions and literature, the authors move beyond the scope of typical introductions to discuss the theological and hermeneutical implications of this literature.

  • The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Mission of God

    Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. But Christopher Wright boldly maintains that there is a missional basis for the Bible! Beginning with the Old Testament and its groundwork for understanding who God is, what he has called his people to be and do, and how the nations fit into God's mission, Wright gives us a new hermeneutical perspective on Scripture.

  • Righteous by Promise: A Biblical Theology of Circumcision, By Karl Deenick

    Righteous by Promise

    A Biblical Theology of Circumcision

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Karl Deenick
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Establishing a biblical theology of circumcision, this NSBT volume by Karl Deenick shows that the concepts of righteousness and faith are central to both the New Testament understanding and the developing Old Testament understanding of circumcision. They are held together by the unfolding promise of a blameless "seed of Abraham," Jesus Christ, through whose sacrifice the promised righteousness will finally come.

  • Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation, By Craig D. Allert

    Early Christian Readings of Genesis One

    Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Craig D. Allert

    Do the writings of the church fathers support a literalist interpretation of Genesis 1? Young earth creationists have maintained that they do. But are we correctly representing the Fathers and their concerns? This study from Craig Allert resets our understanding of early Christian interpretation and considers whether contemporary evangelicals may be more bound to modernity in our reading of Genesis 1 than we realize.

  • Reading Mark's Christology Under Caesar: Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology, By Adam Winn

    Reading Mark's Christology Under Caesar

    Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology

    by Adam Winn

    Did Mark write his Gospel in response to Roman imperial propaganda surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem? Adam Winn helps us rediscover how Mark might have been read by Christians in Rome during the aftermath of this cataclysmic event. He introduces us to the imperial propaganda of the Flavian emperors and excavates the Markan text for themes that address the Roman imperial setting.

  • God's Mediators: A Biblical Theology of Priesthood, By Andrew S. Malone

    God's Mediators

    A Biblical Theology of Priesthood

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andrew S. Malone
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    There are many investigations of the Old Testament priests and the New Testament’s appropriation of such imagery for Jesus Christ. There are also studies of Israel’s corporate priesthood and what this means for the priesthood of God’s new covenant people. In this NSBT volume, Andrew S. Malone traces these two distinct threads and their intersection through Scripture with an eye to the contemporary Christian relevance.

  • Death and the Afterlife: Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions, By Paul R. Williamson

    Death and the Afterlife

    Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Paul R. Williamson
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Aspects of death and the afterlife are hotly debated among evangelical Christians. In this NSBT volume Paul Williamson works through Old and New Testament passages, taking care to understand the ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman backgrounds. Showing that there is exegetical support for the traditional evangelical understanding of death and the afterlife, he questions the growing popularity of alternative understandings.

  • The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, By John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    The Lost World of the Flood

    Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III
    Contributions by Stephen O. Moshier

    The Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for centuries. But what might the biblical author have been saying to his ancient audience? In order to rediscover the biblical flood, we must set aside our own cultural and interpretive assumptions and visit the distant world of the ancient Near East. Walton and Longman lead us on this enlightening journey toward a more responsible reading of a timeless biblical narrative.

  • Proverbs, By Derek Kidner


    Kidner Classic Commentaries

    by Derek Kidner

    Proverbs—a book full of wisdom, and yet a book demanding all one's wisdom to understand. Derek Kidner has not only provided a running commentary on the whole of Proverbs, but has also included two helpful study aids: a set of subject guides that bring together the book's teaching and a short concordance that helps locate lost sayings and encourages further subject studies.

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