• How to Read Daniel, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Daniel

    How To Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    Failing to read Daniel well means missing a critical part of God's message to us. Orienting readers to a proper engagement with Daniel, Old Testament scholar and teacher Tremper Longman III examines the book's genre, structure, historical background, and major theological message before diving deeper into each of the stories and visions.

  • Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary, By Paul R. House


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    Series edited by David G. Firth
    Consulting Editor Tremper Longman III
    by Paul R. House

    Daniel asserts that the meaning of history is that God's kingdom is coming. As it does, faithful people persevere in their work for God. In this Tyndale commentary, Paul House shows how Daniel rewards readers who embrace its historical, literary, and theological features as key means of personal and community formation.

  • The Twelve Prophets, Edited by Alberto Ferreiro

    The Twelve Prophets

    Volume 14

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Alberto Ferreiro
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The church fathers mined the Old Testament throughout for prophetic utterances regarding the Messiah, but few books yielded as much messianic ore as the Twelve Prophets, sometimes known as the Minor Prophets. In this rich and vital ACCS volume you will find excerpts, some translated here into English for the first time, from more than thirty church fathers.

  • Ezekiel, Daniel, Edited by Kenneth Stevenson and Michael Glerup

    Ezekiel, Daniel

    Volume 13

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Kenneth Stevenson and Michael Glerup
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The books of Ezekiel and Daniel are rich in imagery that is taken up afresh in the New Testament. It is no wonder these books, despite the difficulties in interpreting them, took hold on the imagination of the early church. In this ACCS volume, over forty church fathers are cited and four extant works are included, providing a wealth of insight.

  • Jeremiah, Lamentations, Edited by Dean O. Wenthe

    Jeremiah, Lamentations

    Volume 12

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Dean O. Wenthe
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Among the apostolic fathers, Jeremiah was rarely cited, but several later authors give prominent attention to him. The fathers associated Lamentations with losses and death and saw the book as a description of the challenges that face Christians in a fallen world. In this ACCS volume, readers will gain insight and encouragement in the life of faith as seen through ancient pastoral eyes.

  • Isaiah 40-66, Edited by Mark W. Elliott

    Isaiah 40-66

    Volume 11

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark W. Elliott
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    As interpreted by the ancient church fathers, Isaiah 40-66 leads readers to a deeper understanding of God's judgment and salvation. The excerpts included in this ACCS volume offer us a rich array of differing styles, principles, and theological emphases, from Theodoret of Cyr to Eusebius and Procopius, to Cyril of Alexandria, Jerome and Augustine.

  • Isaiah 1-39, Edited by Steven A. McKinion

    Isaiah 1-39

    Volume 10

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Steven A. McKinion
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    For the early church fathers the prophecy of Isaiah was not a compendium of Jewish history or theology but an announcement of the coming Messiah fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. In this ACCS volume, readers will find commentary on Isaiah 1-39 ranging from East to West and from the first through the eighth centuries.

  • Jeremiah, Lamentations, Edited by J. Jeffery Tyler

    Jeremiah, Lamentations

    Old Testament Volume 11

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by J. Jeffery Tyler

    The prophetic ministry of Jeremiah took place during a chaotic time for the people of Israel. Reflecting on these verses, Reformation commentators heard not only hope for the renewal of Israel, but prophetic promise for the coming of the Messiah. In this RCS volume J. Jeffery Tyler guides readers through a diversity of early modern commentary on the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations.

  • Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Prophets, By J. Gordon McConville

    Exploring the Old Testament

    A Guide to the Prophets

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by J. Gordon McConville

    This critically informed and theologically sensitive introduction to the Prophets considers the often-misunderstood prophetic books of the Old Testament, including an exploration of their historical context, their artful use of language, and their place within the chorus of Old Testament voices.

  • The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom: A Thematic-Theological Approach, By Andrew Abernethy

    The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom

    A Thematic-Theological Approach

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andrew Abernethy
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Anyone who has attempted to teach or preach through the prophecy of Isaiah has felt a tension. In view of what the structure of the book of Isaiah aims to emphasize, this NSBT volume employs the concept of "kingdom" as an entry point for organizing the book's major themes, identifying the links to the broader biblical canon and ultimately to Jesus.

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