• The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Old Testament in Seven Sentences

    A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic

    Introductions in Seven Sentences

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    It's easy to see the Old Testament as confusing, out of date, or irrelevant. Using seven key sentences drawn straight from the Old Testament, Christopher J. H. Wright fits the pieces together, shows us the coherent whole, and points us toward Jesus. This short survey shows God's faithfulness and love for his people and illuminates how the Old Testament Scriptures prepared for the identity and mission of Jesus.

  • Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour, By John Goldingay

    Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour

    by John Goldingay

    How might we learn ethics from the Old Testament? Trusted guide John Goldingay urges us to let the Old Testament itself set the agenda. Topically organized with short, stand-alone chapters, this volume takes readers through the Old Testament's teaching about relationships, work, Sabbath, character, and more, featuring Goldingay's own translation and discussion questions for group use.

  • The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, By John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    The Lost World of the Flood

    Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III
    Contributions by Stephen O. Moshier

    The Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for centuries. But what might the biblical author have been saying to his ancient audience? In order to rediscover the biblical flood, we must set aside our own cultural and interpretive assumptions and visit the distant world of the ancient Near East. Walton and Longman lead us on this enlightening journey toward a more responsible reading of a timeless biblical narrative.

  • Proverbs, By Derek Kidner


    Kidner Classic Commentaries

    by Derek Kidner

    Proverbs—a book full of wisdom, and yet a book demanding all one's wisdom to understand. Derek Kidner has not only provided a running commentary on the whole of Proverbs, but has also included two helpful study aids: a set of subject guides that bring together the book's teaching and a short concordance that helps locate lost sayings and encourages further subject studies.

  • Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary, By Lindsay Wilson


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Lindsay Wilson

    In this replacement Tyndale Commentary on the book of Proverbs, Lindsay Wilson shows how the first nine chapters provide a reading guide for the many proverbs in subsequent chapters; and how the fear of the Lord, choosing wisdom not folly, and having our characters formed by wisdom are crucial for understanding Proverbs as Christian Scripture and living out our faith in daily life.

  • Old Testament Theology for Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief, By John H. Walton

    Old Testament Theology for Christians

    From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief

    by John H. Walton

    The Old Testament was written for us, but not to us. Inviting us to leave our modern Christian preconceptions behind, John Walton contends that we will only grasp the Old Testament’s theology when we are immersed in its Ancient Near Eastern context, being guided by what the ancient authors intended as they wrote within their cognitive environment.

  • The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ, By Richard E. Averbeck

    The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church

    Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ

    by Richard E. Averbeck

    How does the Old Testament Law fits into the arc of the Bible, and how it relevant to the church today? Exploring how God intended the Law to work in its original context as well as the New Testament perspective on the Law, Richard Averbeck argues that the whole Law applies to Christians—our task is to discern how it applies in the light of Christ.

  • The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom: A Thematic-Theological Approach, By Andrew Abernethy

    The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom

    A Thematic-Theological Approach

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andrew Abernethy
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Anyone who has attempted to teach or preach through the prophecy of Isaiah has felt a tension. In view of what the structure of the book of Isaiah aims to emphasize, this NSBT volume employs the concept of "kingdom" as an entry point for organizing the book's major themes, identifying the links to the broader biblical canon and ultimately to Jesus.

  • Old Testament Theology: Israel's Faith, By John Goldingay

    Old Testament Theology

    Israel's Faith

    Old Testament Theology Series

    by John Goldingay

    In the second volume of his three-volume Old Testament theology, John Goldingay examines the theology of the Old Testament under the major rubrics of God, Israel, the Nightmare (judgment), the Vision (hope), the World, the Nations and Humanity. This volume studies the Prophets, Psalms and Wisdom literature, where we encounter a more discursive thinking that is closer to traditional theology.

  • Do We Need the New Testament?: Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself, By John Goldingay

    Do We Need the New Testament?

    Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself

    by John Goldingay

    While many Christians wonder whether we really need the Old Testament, John Goldingay turns the question around: Perhaps Jesus' Bible—the Old Testament—is enough. Goldingay probes our misreading of the Old Testament and brings out the richness of the "First Testament's" message as Israel's and the church's gospel.

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