• Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity, By David W. Swanson

    Rediscipling the White Church

    From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity

    by David W. Swanson
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    Before white churches can pursue diversity, we must first address the faulty discipleship that has led to our segregation in the first place. Pastor David Swanson proposes that we rethink our churches' habits, or liturgies, and imagine together holistic, communal discipleship practices that can reform us as members of Christ's diverse body.

  • The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege, By Ken Wytsma

    The Myth of Equality

    Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege

    by Ken Wytsma

    Is privilege real or imagined? Ken Wytsma, founder of the Justice Conference, unpacks what we need to know to be grounded in conversations about today's race-related issues. And he helps us come to a deeper understanding of both the origins of these issues and the reconciling role we are called to play as witnesses of the gospel.

  • Can

    Can "White" People Be Saved?

    Triangulating Race, Theology, and Mission

    Missiological Engagements

    Edited by Love L. Sechrest, Johnny Ramírez-Johnson, and Amos Yong
    Contributions by Willie James Jennings, Andrea Smith, Hak Joon Lee, Akintunde E. Akinade, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Angel D. Santiago-Vendrell, Andrew T. Draper, Erin Dufault-Hunter, Clifton Clarke, Daniel Jeyaraj, and Jonathan Tran

    White normativity as a way of being in the world has been parasitically joined to Christianity, and this is the ground of many of our problems today. Written by a world-class roster of scholars, this volume develops language to describe the current realities of race and racism, challenging evangelical Christianity to think more critically and constructively about race, ethnicity, migration, and mission in relation to white supremacy.

  • The Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities, By Adrian Pei

    The Minority Experience

    Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities

    by Adrian Pei

    If you're the only person from your ethnic background in your organization or team, you probably know what it's like to be misunderstood or marginalized. Organizational consultant Adrian Pei describes key challenges ethnic minorities face in majority-culture organizations, unpacking the historical forces at play and what both minority and majority cultures need to know in order to work together fruitfully.

  • The Colors of Culture: The Beauty of Diverse Friendships, By MelindaJoy Mingo

    The Colors of Culture

    The Beauty of Diverse Friendships

    by MelindaJoy Mingo

    How diverse are your friendships? In a time when cultural divides are expanding, we can learn to see every human from God's perspective instead of through the lenses of prejudice and bias. Through vivid stories from several countries, MelindaJoy Mingo models reaching across cultures, showing the beauty of diverse friendships.

  • Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey, By Sarah Shin

    Beyond Colorblind

    Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey

    by Sarah Shin

    While society may try to be colorblind, we can’t ignore that God created us with our ethnic identities, and he made them for good. Ethnicity and evangelism specialist Sarah Shin reveals how our broken ethnic stories can be restored and redeemed, demonstrating God's power to others and bringing good news to the world. Discover how your ethnic story can be transformed for compelling witness and mission.

  • In Search of Christ in Latin America: From Colonial Image to Liberating Savior, By Samuel Escobar

    In Search of Christ in Latin America

    From Colonial Image to Liberating Savior

    by Samuel Escobar
    Foreword by C. René Padilla

    Noted theologian Samuel Escobar offers a magisterial survey and study of Christology in Latin America. Presented for the first time in English, this rich resource starts with the first Spanish influence and moves through popular religiosity and liberationist themes in Catholic and Protestant thought of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, culminating in an important description of the work of the Latin American Theological Fraternity.

  • Being White: Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World, By Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp

    Being White

    Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World

    by Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp

    Are you white? Do you know what this means? Are you aware of racial inequality but have wondered, So what do I do?. Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp present a Christian model of what it means to be white, wrestling with issues of history, power, identity, culture, reconciliation, relationship and community.

  • Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility, By George Yancey

    Beyond Racial Gridlock

    Embracing Mutual Responsibility

    by George Yancey

    Sociologist George Yancey critiques four models of race (colorblindness, Anglo-conformity, multiculturalism and white responsibility), and introduces a new model (mutual responsibility). He offers hope that people of all races can walk together on a shared path toward racial reconciliation--not as adversaries but as collaborators and partners.

  • Subverting the Power of Prejudice: Resources for Individual and Social Change, By Sandra L. Barnes

    Subverting the Power of Prejudice

    Resources for Individual and Social Change

    by Sandra L. Barnes

    Sandra L. Barnes helps us sort out why prejudice is unfair, what feeds our prejudices, how to overcome prejudice, and how to avoid being victimized by discrimination. "This holistic book is an essential read for Christians committed to understanding prejudice and making change," says Jenell Paris of Bethel University.

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