• Finding Freedom in Constraint: Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life, By Jared Patrick Boyd

    Finding Freedom in Constraint

    Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life

    by Jared Patrick Boyd
    Foreword by Todd Hunter

    The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free and shape us into the way of Christ. Re-anchoring spiritual practices within monasticism, religious orders, and the early church fathers, these six core practices from Jared Patrick Boyd form in us greater freedom to become people who love as God loves.

  • The Power of Group Prayer: How Intercession Transforms Us and the World, By Carolyn Carney

    The Power of Group Prayer

    How Intercession Transforms Us and the World

    by Carolyn Carney

    Praying together has the power to transform you and the world around you. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, this practical guide for group prayer from Carolyn Carney offers stories and practices for corporate prayer, reflection questions, and supplemental resources to help pastors and ministry leaders build powerful intercession groups.

  • The Connected Life: The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality, By Todd W. Hall

    The Connected Life

    The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality

    by Todd W. Hall
    Foreword by Curt Thompson

    We live in an increasingly isolated and lonely world. How do we find genuine relational connection? According to psychologist Todd Hall, real human growth doesn't come through head knowledge alone but through relational knowledge and strong attachment bonds. This accessible introduction invites us into lasting relationships—with God and others—that lead to authentic transformation.

  • The Soul of Desire: Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community, By Curt Thompson

    The Soul of Desire

    Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community

    by Curt Thompson
    Foreword by Makoto Fujimura

    Desire and beauty go hand in hand. But both our craving to be known and our ability to create beauty have been marred by shame and trauma, collapsing our imagination for what God has for us. Weaving together neuroscience and spiritual formation, psychiatrist Curt Thompson presents a powerful picture of what it means to be human.

  • Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship, By Holly Catterton Allen and Christine Lawton and Cory L. Seibel

    Intergenerational Christian Formation

    Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship

    by Holly Catterton Allen, Christine Lawton, and Cory L. Seibel
    Foreword by Jason Brian Santos

    In a revised an updated edition, this comprehensive, up-to-date text offers a framework for intentional intergenerational Christian formation. It provides the theoretical foundation of intergenerationality, then gives concrete, practical guidance on how worship, learning, community, and service can all be achieved intergenerationally.

  • Enhancing Christian Life: How Extended Cognition Augments Religious Community, By Brad D. Strawn and Warren S. Brown

    Enhancing Christian Life

    How Extended Cognition Augments Religious Community

    by Brad D. Strawn and Warren S. Brown

    It's time to rethink the Christian life in light of current research on the human mind, particularly with a deeper understanding of "extended cognition." Using insights from neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy, Brad Strawn and Warren Brown argue for a vision of the Christian life as extended into interactions with a local network of believers.

  • Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity, By David W. Swanson

    Rediscipling the White Church

    From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity

    by David W. Swanson
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    Before white churches can pursue diversity, we must first address the faulty discipleship that has led to our segregation in the first place. Pastor David Swanson proposes that we rethink our churches' habits, or liturgies, and imagine together holistic, communal discipleship practices that can reform us as members of Christ's diverse body.

  • Not Done Yet: Reaching and Keeping Unchurched Emerging Adults, By Beth Seversen

    Not Done Yet

    Reaching and Keeping Unchurched Emerging Adults

    by Beth Seversen

    Nones claim no religion. Dones have become disillusioned and left the church. While many emerging adults fall in these camps, many are tossing aside these labels and embracing a transformative Christian faith. Based on her extensive research, Beth Seversen outlines a model for how to engage and retain millennials and Generation Z in the life of the local church.

  • Campus Life: In Search of Community

    Campus Life

    In Search of Community

    by Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
    Edited by Drew Moser and Todd C. Ream
    Foreword by David Brooks
    Contributions by Ernest L Boyer

    In 1990 the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching published a classic report on the loss of a meaningful basis for true community on college campuses—and in the nation. Now this expanded edition of Campus Life reintroduces educational leaders to the report's proposals while offering up-to-date analysis and recommendations for Christian campuses today.

  • Choosing Community: Action, Faith, and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers, By Christine A. Colón

    Choosing Community

    Action, Faith, and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Christine A. Colón

    Few writers in the twentieth century were as creative and productive as Dorothy L. Sayers, the English playwright, novelist, and poet. In this volume in the Hansen Lectureship Series, Christine Colón explores the role of community in Sayers's works. In particular, she considers how Sayers offers a vision of communities called to action, faith, and joy, and she reflects on how we also are called to live in community together.

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