What good gifts has God given your children? Amy and Rob Dixon, authors of the IVP Kids book "Penny Preaches," help parents and caregivers discern, embrace, and cultivate the vocational giftings of the children in their lives.
Dominick S. Hernández is a Latino scholar within evangelical academia. Read about his career journey in Christian higher education, including his tips for how fellow academics can care for each other well and lift each other up.
Sherelle Ducksworth is a Black female scholar within evangelical academia. Read about her experience as a woman of color navigating a career in Christian higher education, including her advice and encouragement for other BIPOC scholars as they chart their academic path.
Is the lawyer's vocation considered a "servant" profession? Robert F. Cochran, author of "The Servant Lawyer," believes that lawyers can serve both humans and God with their work. Read this interview to hear how Cochran views the calling to the ordinary practice of law as experienced by ordinary lawyers.
As Christians, our work and faith are integrated seamlessly in our lives. What if we all found a way to see our vocation as way of advancing God's work? In this conversation, IVP authors Barry Rowan, Gayle Beebe, Jeff Haanen, Joanna Meyer, Ross Chapman, and Ryan Tafilowski share their insights about bringing faith and work together for the glory of God.
Church ministry is challenging, but the right resources can have a huge impact on the work pastors do day in and day out. This list highlights ten books from IVP written specifically for pastors, taking all types of ministry contexts into consideration. Whether you're a pastor yourself or you want to support the church leaders in your life, these books are the perfect place to start.
In celebration of AAPI Heritage Month, join IVP for a conversation with the authors of Learning Our Names. Sabrina S. Chan, Linson Daniel, E. David de Leon, and La Thao share insights into the creation and purpose of the book, what they hope readers take from it, and more.
What is it like as a woman in the world of Biblical Studies? For Carmen Imes, author of "Being God's Image" it means being called to teach the Bible but not always embraced within the church. Read about how Scripture's testimony calls for full inclusion of women in gospel ministry.
What is life all about? Watch this video of Os Guinness as he engages with young adults looking for purpose, then get a sneak peek into his book "The Great Quest." Whether you're a student looking forward to life after school or you're still searching for purpose as an adult, it's never too late to seek meaning in this life through an honest exploration of God and faith.
Susan Maros's book Calling in Context flows from her years of teaching in vocational formation, wrestling alongside her students with big questions about calling and social location. In this interview, she shares some misconceptions many people believe about vocation and tips for moving forward in the discernment process.
Getting old is weird, and the transition from young adult to full-blown adult can be brutal. Trying to navigate this very formative decade can just be straight up challenging. Sharing insights from her book The Gap Decade, author Katie Schnack gives five tips for twenty-somethings trying to be "real adults."
In this interview, Michael Lindsay explores the seven stages of transition he writes about in his book Hinge Moments. With vulnerability and insight, he shares how he has navigated his own vocational transition from president of Gordon College to president-elect of Taylor University.
In this interview, Power Women editors Nancy Wang Yuen and Deshonna Collier-Goubil discuss how they navigate the call to both the academy and motherhood as Christian women. If you've ever wanted to hear from women on a similar vocational journey who come from different backgrounds, academic disciplines, and stages of parenting and career, this interview will be refreshing.
In this interview, author and Christian leader Richard Stearns shares wisdom from a long career in both corporate and ministry leadership. Offering advice from his own experience, he previews many of the themes from his new book Lead Like It Matters to God, including the power of encouragement for motivating others and how our leadership needs to adapt in today's cultural climate.
In many ways, academic publishing is its own world, especially when it comes to writing for scholarly journals. Often colleges and universities provide mentors for new faculty seeking to advance professionally, guiding them in the ways of publishing. Nonetheless, professors often make simple mistakes when it came to book publishing. Here are a few tips for smoothing the way to a contract from editor and author Andy Le Peau.