Read articles and interviews on the history, culture, and experiences of Black and African American people, brought to you by IVP Extra. You can also read more articles about race and ethnicity.
How can Christians engage with Juneteenth? Take this opportunity to educate yourself, your family, and your church on Black history in America and get practical ideas to become a part of the continuing story of justice and reconciliation in your community.
Sherelle Ducksworth is a Black female scholar within evangelical academia. Read about her experience as a woman of color navigating a career in Christian higher education, including her advice and encouragement for other BIPOC scholars as they chart their academic path.
In the book "Awakening to Justice" The Dialogue on Race and Faith project presents groundbreaking scholarship on Christian abolitionist history. Read this interview to hear more from two of the book's coauthors, Douglas M. Strong and Albert G. Miller.
Connecting to Black history through poetry can powerfully shape how you see God, yourself, and others. Will you take time this Black History Month to explore works of art by Black creators? IVP Associate Editor Nilwona Nowlin has curated this list of poems by Black authors to inspire you to read one a day during Black History Month.
In this fascinating interview, IVP authors Barbara Peacock, MelindaJoy Mingo, Terence Lester, Antipas Harris, and A. D. "Lumkile" Thomason share their ideas for new ways we can be celebrating Black History Month as well as their hopes for the future of racial reconciliation in America.