Read articles and interviews on parenting, spiritual growth for kids, and family discipleship, brought to you by IVP Extra.
What good gifts has God given your children? Amy and Rob Dixon, authors of the IVP Kids book "Penny Preaches," help parents and caregivers discern, embrace, and cultivate the vocational giftings of the children in their lives.
How can we discuss love in a way that makes sense to children? Ned Bustard, author of "Saint Valentine the Kindhearted," believes that the timing of Valentine's Day near the beginning of Lent offers the perfect opportunity to engage with your kids about the magnificent and unconditional love of God.
Youth and teen activism are driving change on a global scale! How can families take action in their communities together? In this interview with Terence Lester and his daughter, Zion, we see how parents and caregivers can mobilize the next generation to serve by fostering values of service and empathy from a young age.