Alison Siewert and others

Alison Siewert and others

Alison Siewert and others

Alison Siewert is a graduate of Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, and also attended Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. She currently serves as an arts pastor and church planter in the Hershey, Pennsylvania area. She cowrote and edited Worship Team Handbook after leading worship at Urbana 93 and Urbana 96. She was director of the Urbana 03 Theater Team and is cofounder and director of ransomTHEdonKey, a theater group that performs in many settings, including campuses and churches. Previously, she has worked as a church planter, worship designer and InterVarsity staff trainer.

Alison Siewert and others
Alison Siewert and others
Edited by Alison Siewert and others