Drama Team Sketchbook: 12 Scripts that Bring the Gospels to Life, By Alison Siewert

Drama Team Sketchbook

12 Scripts that Bring the Gospels to Life

by Alison Siewert

Drama Team Sketchbook
  • Length: 111 pages
  • Dimensions: 7 × 10 in
  • Published: December 15, 2003
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3208
  • ISBN: 9780830832088

*affiliate partner

We need drama.

Drama helps us see ourselves. It makes space for the parts of life that are ambiguous, thrilling, painful, uncertain. It says things to us that we desperately need to hear, and it says them intuitively, by pointing rather than by explaining.

Drama helps us see God. The woman at the well comes to know God because she admits who she really is--and in the very next turn, she hears Jesus speak who he really is.

Drama speaks prophetically. Theater can ask hard questions by pointing to them on the stage, and we can say things in the context of theatrical dialogue that we would struggle to speak in any other context.

Drama shows in a world that tells. It makes big ideas concrete, helping us understand ideas like hypocrisy, forgiveness, sacrifice and love.

We need drama in our ministries, in our churches and on our college campuses. We need drama that helps us tell the story of Jesus so that people can hear and respond. In this "sketchbook" Alison Siewert offers twelve scripts of Gospel stories, from the nativity to the resurrection, that will help those who have ears to hear the Word of God.


Using This Book
Wish Something Important Would Happen Around Here: A Sketch for Luke 2:1-21
Wise Up: A Sketch Introducing Luke 4:1-13
Laundromat--2am: A Sketch of John 4:3-26
Chopsticks: A Sketch of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:23-35
Gravity: A Sketch About Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10
Deer Blanket: A Sketch for Luke 5:39
Ethel and Myrtle Have a Sock: A Sketch of Luke 6:41-42
Dauther: A Sketch of Luke 8:40-56
Snacks for Jesus: A Sketch of Luke 10:38-42
Smelly: A Sketch Introducing John 11
The Tale of the Shrewd Manager: A Sketch on Luke 16:1-9
Emmaus: A Sketch of Luke 24:1-32


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Alison Siewert

Alison Siewert is a graduate of Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, and also attended Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. She currently serves as an arts pastor and church planter in the Hershey, Pennsylvania area. She cowrote and edited Worship Team Handbook after leading worship at Urbana 93 and Urbana 96. She was director of the Urbana 03 Theater Team and is cofounder and director of ransomTHEdonKey, a theater group that performs in many settings, including campuses and churches. Previously, she has worked as a church planter, worship designer and InterVarsity staff trainer.