Worship Team Handbook, Edited byAlison Siewert
Worship Team Handbook
  • Length: 183 pages
  • Dimensions: 7 × 10 in
  • Published: January 08, 1999
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 1943
  • ISBN: 9780830819430

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Is your church starting a new worship service?

Are you a vocalist or an instrumentalist on a team?

Would you like to know how to use drama or video in worship?

This down-to-earth book will help you do all that and more.

Written by a worship team, this handbook is all about working together as a team. It's about the key elements: music, Scripture, drama, video. It's about worshiping in an interactive way. And it's about being authentic as a leader.

Chapters include

  • Why Worship in a New Way?
  • Spiritual Disciplines of a Worship Leader
  • Developing New Team Members
  • Practical Tips for Musicians
  • Preaching from the Heart
  • Using Drama to Build Worship

Six Bible studies for your team to do together are also included!

Edited by Alison Siewert with contributions from Andy Crouch, Matt Frazier and Sundee Tucker Frazier, this practical handbook will help your worship team work together to lead others in lively and relevant praise.


Part 1: First Things First
1. Who We Are and Why We Wrote This
2. Why Worship in a New Way?
3. The Power in Worship
4. Worship Through History
5. Worship Culture
6. Multiethnic Windows on Worship

Part 2: Follow the Leader
7. God-Needing Worship Leading
8. Spiritual disciplines for Worship Leaders
9. Dancing in Your Underwear: A Biblical Model
10. You are a Leader
11. Leading Versus Performing: The Lens
12. Becoming a Guide to the Throne Room
13. The Mechanics of Leading
Sidebar: Your Fashion Statement

Part 3: Go, Teams
14. Choosing a Team
15. Developing Talent
16. Butcher, Baker, Overheadmaker: The Creative Team
Sidebar: Equipment Check!
17. The Care Feeding of Worship Teams
18. Growing Through Conflict
19. Famous Worship-Team Problems
20. Practice Makes Better: Rehearsing a Team

Part 4: Making Music: The Musicians
21. Practical Skills for All Worship Musicians
22. Practical Skills for Guitarists
23. Pracitcal Skills for Vocalists
Sidebar: Solos
24. Practical Skills for Pianists Keyboardists
25. Practical Skills for Percussionists Drummers
26. Practical Skills for Bass Players
Sidebar: Using an Equalizer
27. Sound Systems
Sidebar: Microphones

Part 5: Making Music: The Music
28. Finding Choosing Music
29. Hymns--For You, Not Just Your Grandparents
30. Arranging Music
31. Writing Music for Worship
Sidebar: Five Steps to help You Write a Worship Song
32. Using Music with Integrity
Sidebar: Copyrights


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Alison Siewert

Alison Siewert is a graduate of Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, and also attended Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. She currently serves as an arts pastor and church planter in the Hershey, Pennsylvania area. She cowrote and edited Worship Team Handbook after leading worship at Urbana 93 and Urbana 96. She was director of the Urbana 03 Theater Team and is cofounder and director of ransomTHEdonKey, a theater group that performs in many settings, including campuses and churches. Previously, she has worked as a church planter, worship designer and InterVarsity staff trainer.