After thirty-two years of managing the behind-the-scenes operations at InterVarsity Press (IVP), Jim Hagen, director of business and finance, has announced that he will retire on September 16, 2016.
"Some members of a publisher's staff are highly visible to those outside the company's four walls, while others are the bedrock of all that goes on internally," Jeff Crosby, IVP's publisher, said. "Jim Hagen has been IVP's bedrock for thirty-two years, providing exceptional competence in a wide range of tasks from financial management and human resources to overseeing the care and maintenance of our physical plant—and much, much more. And he has done it all with a great deal of humility, gentleness, and wisdom. His mark will be felt at IVP for decades to come."
Bob Fryling, who served as publisher at IVP from 1997 until July 2016, recalled meeting and recognizing Hagen's character long before his time at IVP. "I actually first met Jim (and Paulette) about fifty years ago at the University of Michigan when we were housemates together, little knowing that we would be again just down the hall from each other thirty years later! But even as a college student Jim was known for his impeccable integrity and wonderful relational disposition. These rich character traits plus an expertise in business and finances have made Jim a trusted leader in our business and finance department and a core part of IVP's leadership team. IVP will truly miss Jim's presence and contributions."
Hagen joined IVP in 1984 after working in sales for Southwestern Publishing Company. He has played key roles in the selection of IVP's computer systems and in two major building expansions in 1985 and 2007. Hagen has also helped manage the bookstore operations at eleven Urbana Missions Conferences, putting around 700,000 books into the hands of attendees.
Hagen said, "Since my involvement with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Michigan, IVP books have shaped my Christian life for over fifty years. It's been a joy to work at IVP. During my time at the press we have shipped sixty-nine million books, changing lives around the world. I know I will continue to grow through IVP books and am thankful for being involved with IVP's ministry."
Hagen is looking forward to traveling the country with his wife, Paulette, to spend time with their children and grandchildren.