Showing 1 - 10 of 1903 results

  • Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership

    Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton
    Afterword by Leighton Ford
    Foreword by Gary A. Haugen

    Spiritual Practices for Burnt Out Leaders

    "I'm tired of helping others enjoy God—I just want to enjoy God for myself."

    With this painful admission, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Strengthening ...

  • Discovering Your Leadership Style: The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality, By David T. Olson

    Discovering Your Leadership Style

    The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality

    by David T. Olson

    God can use your unique gifts, passions and personality to help you become a better leader. While personality inventories can help you understand your temperament, the model designed by leading church planter David Olson is designed to form fruitful Christian leadership. Olson's model reveals how three factors—spirituality, chemistry and strategy—work together. The free online inventory that is ...

  • Pursuing God's Will Together: A Discernment Practice for Leadership Groups, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Pursuing God's Will Together

    A Discernment Practice for Leadership Groups

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Logos Book of the Year

    Creating Leadership Teams Led by the Spirit

    Meetings can sap our energy, rupture community and thoroughly demoralize us. They can go on forever with no resolution. Or they can rush along without consensus just to "get through the agenda." What if there was another way?

    Church boards and other Christian leadership teams have ...

  • Relational Leadership: A Biblical Model for Influence and Service, By Walter C. Wright Jr.

    Relational Leadership

    A Biblical Model for Influence and Service

    by Walter C. Wright Jr.
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw and Eugene H. Peterson

    Leadership. What does it mean? How do I do it? Who is a leader and who is not? Relational Leadership will stimulate your thinking about leadership and management, causing you to both ask questions and find answers. Ultimately, this will enable you to invest yourself in people for the sake of the kingdom. Drawing on leadership theory, his own experience and insights from Jude, Philemon ...

  • Transforming Leadership: Jesus' Way of Creating Vision, Shaping Values  Empowering Change, By Leighton Ford

    Transforming Leadership

    Jesus' Way of Creating Vision, Shaping Values Empowering Change

    by Leighton Ford

    A book for leaders, by leaders, about the greatest leader of them all.

    In our rapidly changing and ever more complex world, we suffer a crisis of leadership. Leighton Ford sees the growing dearth of bold leaders--in the marketplace, religion and public life. In this powerful book, Ford calls Christians to be transformational leaders.

    Many leaders work within situations; transformational ...

  • Excellence in Leadership: Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination, By John White

    Excellence in Leadership

    Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination

    by John White

    • Short deadlines
    • Not enough staff
    • Tight budgets
    • Personal attacks
    • External opposition
    • Internal conflicts
    • A huge task

    Every leader faces these problems. But as Christians, should we solve them by using the secular strategies of best-selling management books? Or is there another way? John White says there is. Nehemiah provides the model ...

  • Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization, By Kent R. Wilson

    Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization

    by Kent R. Wilson

    Most approaches to nonprofit organizational leadership are borrowed from the for-profit sector. But these models are often inadequate to address the issues nonprofit leaders face. We need a new framework for nonprofit management that is rooted in historical precedent and biblical principles yet is also appropriate for the nonprofit context. Nonprofit consultant and researcher Kent Wilson presents ...

  • What Does Your Soul Love?: Eight Questions That Reveal God's Work in You, By Gem Fadling and Alan Fadling

    What Does Your Soul Love?

    Eight Questions That Reveal God's Work in You

    by Gem Fadling and Alan Fadling

    What do you really want? What is your soul clinging to? What is getting in your way?

    In these pages Gem and Alan Fadling outline eight key questions that offer deep insight into how we experience soul change. These questions open the door to spiritual transformation. They help us unpack where we are stuck, where we are in pain, where we are afraid, and much more. They also ...

  • Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul: Nine Questions for the Spiritually Formed Pastor, By Tim Morey

    Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul

    Nine Questions for the Spiritually Formed Pastor

    by Tim Morey
    Foreword by Scott W. Sunquist

    Christianity Today Book Award

    What does it take to be a church planter or other ministry entrepreneur? Most leaders start out with passion, a sense of calling, and a focus on building ministry skills. Such things might get some results, but they are not enough to sustain a healthy ministry—or a healthy life. Beyond the vocational capacities every ...

  • Organizational Leadership: Foundations and Practices for Christians, Edited by Jack Burns and John R. Shoup and Donald C. Simmons Jr.

    Organizational Leadership

    Foundations and Practices for Christians

    Edited by Jack Burns, John R. Shoup, and Donald C. Simmons Jr.

    Kingdom leadership does not begin and end at the church door. Christians are called to conduct leadership in government, commerce, schools, neighborhoods, families, para-church ministries and a myriad other contexts. God has given us many gifts, and our responsibility is to be stewards of those gifts, and use them to do the King?s work. In that context, this comprehensive text explores key ...