What Does Your Soul Love?: Eight Questions That Reveal God's Work in You, By Gem Fadling and Alan Fadling

What Does Your Soul Love?

Eight Questions That Reveal God's Work in You

by Gem Fadling and Alan Fadling

What Does Your Soul Love?
  • Length: 220 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: September 17, 2019
  • Imprint: IVP Formatio
  • Item Code: 4659
  • ISBN: 9780830846597

*affiliate partner

What do you really want? What is your soul clinging to? What is getting in your way?

In these pages Gem and Alan Fadling outline eight key questions that offer deep insight into how we experience soul change. These questions open the door to spiritual transformation. They help us unpack where we are stuck, where we are in pain, where we are afraid, and much more. They also reveal the path to joy and to the heart of God. Spiritual inventories and exercises will guide you, along with stories from Gem and Alan's lives and their ministry together through Unhurried Living.

"Embarking on a journey of transformation involves remaining awake to a deeper level of reality that is always present," write the Fadlings. "Remaining on this journey requires a simpler, God focus. These eight questions about transformation can help us cultivate this kind of deeper awareness and soul focus. These paths help keep us on the journey of transformation. They keep us in the presence of the transforming One."

This practical, personal book offers a path to understanding what God wants to reveal in your soul.

"When it comes to finding kind companions on the road to unhurried transformation, I can't think of two people I trust more than Gem and Alan Fadling. For years they've taught me more about what it means to live life deep in the kingdom of God, and now What Does Your Soul Love? is not only a transformational question it's also a compelling, life-changing book."

Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday and The Next Right Thing

"In this grounded and thought-provoking book you will be guided to wake up from what is keeping you from living an abundant life. Time is short, and we owe it to ourselves, our community, and our planet to do the important inner work Gem and Alan propose. Read this book and prepare to be changed."

Phileena Heuertz, author of Mindful Silence and Pilgrimage of a Soul, founding partner of Gravity: A Center for Contemplative Activism

"In this book, Gem and Alan Fadling offer eight seminal questions—power tools, really—that have potential to drill down through the surface of your life into the core of your being. It's in this realm of your inner life, they assure you, that transformation begins. If you've ever wondered how change really happens, What Does Your Soul Love? will show you, most poignantly, through the Fadlings' willingness to tell their own vulnerable stories of saying yes to God's transforming love and work. We highly recommend it!"

Beth Booram and David Booram, cofounders of Fall Creek Abbey, spiritual directors, and authors of When Faith Becomes Sight

"As I read through this deep and insightful book What Does Your Soul Love?, I felt as though I was in a safe space, with deeply kind and wise spiritual directors, gently nudging me to peer into places where I had been afraid to look, to embrace my vulnerability and not run from it, and to place my trust in a God who loves me and longs for my good more than I do for myself. This book is a gift. Thank you Gem and Alan."

James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful God

"The honest questions and vulnerable answers tucked into the pages of What Does Your Soul Love? by Gem and Alan Fadling makes this not only a timely but also a timeless testament to hope. These fresh and accessible confessions are invitations for all of us to move into a more practice-based spirituality—a credible and rooted spirituality that will only foster a more faithful and faith-filled life."

Christopher L. Heuertz, author of The Sacred Enneagram

"In an age of frenetic activity and endless surface distractions, Gem and Alan provide just what we need: significant and incisive questions to slow us down enough to reflect and ponder. Their questions, along with their matchless wisdom, engaging stories, practical exercises, and creative spiritual practices, seek to soothe the soul and point us to Jesus. This is more than a book; it's a practical manual to cultivate a with-God life. I'll be referring back to these questions time and time again. I'm confident you will too."

J.R. Briggs, founder of Kairos Partnerships, author of Fail: Finding Hope in the Midst of Ministry Failure

"Alan and Gem Fadling are trustworthy guides in the journey of spiritual formation, not only because they have set their minds and hearts on seeking the kingdom of God first but because they share their practical wisdom from a posture of vulnerability and transparency. Filled with penetrating questions and creative spiritual practices, What Does Your Soul Love? is an invitation to delve deep into the heart of our resistance and longings and discover the joy of keeping company with Jesus. I highly recommend it."

Sharon Garlough Brown, author of the Sensible Shoes series and Shades of Light

"Books on the subject of transformation abound. What makes this book stand out is that Gem and Alan crystallize for us what real change looks like through their very down-to-earth, living examples—concrete and relatable. One comes away after reading their accounts—peppered with story after story—convinced that authentic growth in God is indeed possible when our souls are focused in the right direction. Not only inspiring but downright practical!"

Wil Hernandez, executive director of CenterQuest, spiritual director, retreat leader, author

Read an Excerpt


1. Invitation: Changing from the Center
2. Desire: What Do You Really Want?
3. Resistance: What Is Getting in Your Way?
4. Vulnerability: Where Are You Hiding?
5. Truth: What Is Most Real to You?
6. Pain: How Are You Suffering?
7. Fear: What Are You Afraid Of?
8. Control: What Are You Clinging To?
9. Joy: What Does Your Soul Love?
10. Process: Staying on the Path of Change
Appendix A: Creative Spiritual Practices
Appendix B: A Process for Transformation
Appendix C: Group Guide


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Gem Fadling

Gem Fadling, CLC, is a founding partner of Unhurried Living, Inc., a non-profit that trains people to rest deeper, live fuller, and lead better. She is a certified life coach and a trained spiritual director who coaches women at the intersection of spiritual leadership and soul care. Gem is the host of the I Can Do That! Podcast and the coauthor of What Does Your Soul Love?: Eight Questions That Reveal God's Work in You.

Alan Fadling

Alan Fadling (MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary) is president and founder of Unhurried Living Inc. in Mission Viejo, CA, inspiring people to rest deeper, live fuller, and lead better. An international speaker, he is the award-winning author of An Unhurried Leader, A Year of Slowing Down, and A Non-Anxious Life. He is also the coauthor (with his wife, Gem Fadling) of What Does Your Soul Love?

Eight Questions that reveal God's Work in You
Desire: What you do you really want?
Resistance: What is getting in your way?
Truth: What is most real to you?
Read all eight questions in What Does Your Soul Love?