Showing 1 - 10 of 115 results

  • InterVarsity Press (IVP) is excited to announce the launch of its new integrated customer management system as of March 1, 2017. In partnership with AdvantageCS (ACS), IVP undertook a two-year project that overhauled its customer, order entry, book catalog, and rights/royalties databases, as well as revamped the existing website to work for customers of all types, from trade sales to direct-to-consumer sales.

  • Ministry in the Digital Age: Strategies and Best Practices for a Post-Website World, By David T. Bourgeois

    Ministry in the Digital Age

    Strategies and Best Practices for a Post-Website World

    by David T. Bourgeois

    "Christianity is fundamentally a communication event. It is God revealing God's self to the world. And God uses a large variety of media to accomplish that revelation." —Shane Hipps, author of Flickering Pixels Viral videos and retweeted posts fill the air around us. In the midst of constant news feeds and mobile alerts, ministries have unprecedented opportunities to connect with people ...

  • Steve Hayner was healthy and fit and serving as president of Columbia Seminary when he found out he had pancreatic cancer. He and his wife, Sharol, embarked on a journey together with their children that soon included tens of thousands of visits from friends and acquaintances via CaringBridge. The overwhelming response to their posts on this website attested to the surprising and engaging way that they chose to live in the face of death. In the fall of 2015 InterVarsity Press will be releasing a compilation of those posts in the book Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death by Steve and Sharol Hayner.

  • Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death, By Steve Hayner and Sharol Hayner

    Joy in the Journey

    Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death

    by Steve Hayner and Sharol Hayner
    Foreword by Mark Labberton and Alex Gee

    • Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Memoir

    Steve Hayner was serving as president of Columbia Seminary and was healthy and fit when he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer. He and his wife Sharol embarked on a journey together with their children that soon included tens of thousands of visits from friends and acquaintances via the CaringBridge website. ...

  • Quiet Time Bible Guide: 365 Days Through the New Testament and Psalms, Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Quiet Time Bible Guide

    365 Days Through the New Testament and Psalms

    Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Do you want to discover the riches of Scripture?

    Do you want to draw closer to God?

    Based on IVP's bestselling LifeGuide Bible Study series, the Quiet Time Bible Guide helps you dig into Scripture for yourself, developing a deeper and stronger relationship with God in the process. Instead of being told what the Bible says, you'll begin with questions to put you in a worshipful ...

  • How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study, By Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

    How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

    You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion! You only need a few basic skills. This ten-session guidebook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch (both veteran discussion leaders and experienced LifeGuide® Bible Study creators) will show you

    • how to start a group
    • how to decide what to study
    • how to prepare to lead
    • how to study the Bible
    • how ...

    Number of Studies: 10