Psychology in the Spirit: Contours of a Transformational Psychology, By John H. Coe and Todd W. Hall
Psychology in the Spirit
  • Length: 446 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: January 29, 2010
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2813
  • ISBN: 9780830828135

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  • Can real change happen in the human soul?
  • Is it possible to have truly healthy relationships?
  • Is psychology something that can help us see reality as God sees it?

John H. Coe and Todd W. Hall tackle these and other provocative questions in this next volume of the Christian Worldview Integration Series which offers an introduction to a new approach to psychology that seeks to integrate psychology and spiritual formation. This model "represents a spiritual formation and relational approach to psychology for the sake of servicing the spiritual needs of the church." Their goal is to provide a unique model of doing psychology and science in the Spirit.

Here you will find an introduction to the foundations, methodology, content and praxis for this new approach to soulcare.

The Christian Worldview Integration Series, edited by J. P. Moreland and Francis J. Beckwith, seeks to promote a robust personal and conceptual integration of Christian faith and learning, with textbooks focused on disciplines such as education, psychology, literature, politics, science, communications, biology, philosophy, and history.

"I am so grateful that John Coe and Todd Hall collaborated on this project. The result is an important contribution to applied integration. Coe and Hall offer a compelling case for a transformative psychology that is both conceptually rich and clinically accessible. I will recommend this book in courses on integration."

Mark A. Yarhouse, Psy.D., Hughes Chair of Christian Thought in Mental Health Practice and Professor of Psychology, Regent University

"An important extension of the conversation on the integration of psychology and theology and is a welcome addition to the literature. . . A text that needs to be read not only by those studying psychology but also anyone doing advanced studies and research in the field of practical theology."

Kelvin F. Mutter, MJTM, 2010-2011


Series Preface: J. P. Moreland and Francis J. Beckwith

1. Introduction: Psychology at Confession
2 Our Journeys Toward a Transformational Psychology

Section I: Foundations for a Transformational Psychology (Level 1)
3 Ways of Seeing Christianity and Psychology
4 Foundations and Contours of a Transformational Psychology
5 Transformation of the Psychologist and the Spiritual-Epistemological Disciplines and Virtues (Level 1)

Section II: Methodology for Doing Transformational Psychology in the Spirit (Level 2)
6 Methodological Problems Confronting Contemporary Psychology as a Science
7 An Old Testament Model for a Transformational Science and Psychology
8 Faith and Reality Constraints on Doing Psychology in the Spirit
9 The Knowledge Spiral in a Science of Values

Section III: The Content of a Transformational Psychology (Level 3)
10 The Data for a Transformational Psychology and the Uniqueness of Scripture
11 The Person as Spirit: Personal Identity, Natures, Freedom and Relationality
12 The Person as Spirit: Human Attachments and Relationality
13 The Person as Spirit: Beyond Relationality to Union
14 A Transformational Approach to Psychopathology, Sin and the Demonic
15 A Transformational Psychology of Health and Wholeness Inside and Outside of Faith

Section IV: Transformational Psychology and the Praxis of Soul Care (Level 4)
16 Psychotherapy and the Spiritual Stories We Live By
17 Ancient and Modern Soul Care: Toward Mending the Split Between Mind and Spirit

Section V: The Ultimate Goal of a Transformational Psychology (Level 5)
18 Transformational Psychology in the Christian University and Seminary

Subject and Author Index
Scripture Index


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John H. Coe

John H. Coe (PhD, University of California, Irvine) is director of the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Biola University. He is also professor of spiritual theology and philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology and Rosemead School of Psychology. He is the coauthor of Wildlife in the Kingdom Come and Psychology in the Spirit, and contributor to Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics and Psychology and Christianity. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care and has contributed articles to the Journal of Psychology and Theology and the Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

Todd W. Hall

Todd W. Hall (PhD, Rosemead School of Psychology) is professor of psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University, where he teaches courses on the integration of psychology and theology, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and positive psychology. He is a faculty affiliate at the Harvard Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University and a founding partner at Flourishing Metrics. He is an award-winning researcher, focusing on relational approaches to spirituality, virtue, and leadership. He is a coauthor of Psychology in the Spirit, developer of several widely used spiritual assessments, and co-developer of the Flourish Assessment.