Christian Worldview Integration Series

Christian Worldview Integration Series

Series edited by J. P. Moreland and Francis J. Beckwith

Atheist philosopher Quentin Smith writes that theists "tend to compartmentalize their theistic beliefs from their scholarly work; they rarely assume and never argue for theism in their scholarly work."

The Christian Worldview Integration Series, edited by J. P. Moreland and Francis J. Beckwith, seeks to help Christians in the academy rise to the occasion and recapture lost territory in their field of study for the cause of Christ by promoting a robust personal and conceptual integration of Christian faith and learning. The series includes junior and senior level textbooks focused on individual academic disciplines such as education, psychology, literature, politics, science, communications, biology, philosophy and history.

Integration has as its spiritual aim the intellectual goal of structuring the mind so we can see things as they really are and strengthening the belief structure that ought to inform the individual and corporate life of discipleship unto Jesus. The books in this series are intended to facilitate this process and show the explanatory power of Christian ideas in various disciplines for God's glory and the world's benefit.

David Lyle Jeffrey and Gregory Maillet
John H. Coe and Todd W. Hall
Francis J. Beckwith
Tim Muehlhoff and Todd Lewis
Kenman L. Wong and Scott B. Rae