Predestination and Free Will
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If God is in control, are people really free?
This question has bothered Christians for centuries. And answers have covered a wide spectrum. Today Christians still disagree. Those who emphasize human freedom view it as a reflection of God's self-limited power. Others look at human freedom in the order of God's overall control.
In this Spectrum Multiview volume, David and Randall Basinger have put this age-old question to four scholars trained in theology and philosophy. John Feinberg of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Norman Geisler of Dallas Theological Seminary focus on God's specific sovereignty. Bruce Reichenbach of Augsburg College and Clark Pinnock of McMaster Divinity College insist that God must limit his control to ensure our freedom. Each writer argues for his perspective and applies his theory to two practical case studies. Then the other writers respond to each of the major essays, exposing what they see as fallacies and hidden assumptions. This is a lively and provocative volume.
Spectrum Multiview Books offer a range of viewpoints on contested topics within Christianity, giving contributors the opportunity to present their position and also respond to others in this dynamic publishing format.
Introduction--David and Randall Basinger
I. God Ordains All Things--John Feinberg
Norman Geisler's Response
Bruce Reichenbach's Response
Clark Pinnock's Response
II. God Knows All Things--Norman Geisler
John Feinberg's Response
Bruce Reichenbach's Response
Clark Pinnock's Response
III. God Limits His Power--Bruce Reichenbach
John Feinberg's Response
Norman Geisler's Response
Clark Pinnock's Response
IV. God Limits His Kingdom--Clark Pinnock
John Feinberg's Response
Norman Geisler's Response
Bruce Reichenbach's Response
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