Every Voice Now is an IVP initiative that seeks to address the racial and ethnic imbalances in the publishing industry and the church’s public witness. The initiative is jointly supported by InterVarsity Press and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and includes opportunities for additional funding to support and amplify voices of color, expand our reach with diverse audiences, increase IVP’s internal cultural competency, and create an organization that more fully reflects God’s diverse kingdom.
Launched in October 2020, Every Voice Now has since underwritten numerous projects at IVP, including our three podcasts highlighting voices of color (The Every Voice Now Podcast, Get in The Word with Truth's Table, and The Disrupters).
You can read more about this unique initiative in our press release.
Interested in contributing financially to the Every Voice Now initiative? Simply follow the link below to donate online.
Every Voice Now is led by a team of staff of color at IVP with substantial experience in publishing across multiple areas of expertise. We'd love your feedback, so share your comments, critiques or questions with us on Instagram, Twitter, or by email at [email protected].
Terumi Echols, president & publisher (ex-officio)
Alexandra Horn, academic marketing manager
Al Hsu, associate editorial director, trade
Helen Lee, director of product innovation
Kaitlin Borek, associate content specialist