A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age: Life Changes After 50, By Stanley C. Baldwin

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age

Life Changes After 50

by Stanley C. Baldwin

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age
  • Length: 104 pages
  • Published: March 02, 2005
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3278
  • ISBN: 9780830832781

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It started almost 15 years ago. My wife Marj and I had moved to a new community and visited a local church. We arrived for Sunday school, were warmly greeted, and then ushered into a class of seniors. . . . Unfortunately, the assault on our prime-of-life status from every quarter of society has only intensified since then. Waitresses have stopped asking if we qualify for the senior discount; they simply give it to us. When I'm in public, young women step aside for me to enter doors ahead of them. . . . A publisher issued a newly designed version of one of my books that had been in print for 20 years. On the back cover, I was described as one who "remains active in writing and speaking." I wondered why they didn't add that I could still feed myself.

Whether you are 50 or 70, you have probably shared some of Stanley C. Baldwin's experiences. Here is an opportunity to relive them with laughter. But, more importantly, in these pages you'll find an opportunity to reflect on how these life changes relate to your Christian life. This is a book for those who reject the grumpiness of aging and embrace the grace of life with Christ.

"This book epitomizes the spirit of Mr. Stanley Baldwin with his humorous and honest outlook. You will be blessed by his insight into aging and growing older without growing colder."

Dr. Ken McCormick, Pastor, Tri-City Baptist Temple

"Stan Baldwin was my boss and pastor when I was a pup, and he taught me many lessons about work and writing and life. Still at the top of his game in A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age, he's mentoring me to finish well. You'll laugh, you'll identify, you'll 'aha,' and you'll read it from cover to cover."

Jerry B. Jenkins, coauthor of the Left Behind Series

"Stan opened my eyes to a deeper understanding by allowing me a glimpse at aging from my parents' vantage point. Wonderfully written--I recommend it to all whose parents are getting on in life."

Dr. Mark Hoeffner, General Director, CB Northwest

"In this book Stanley Baldwin tackles common misconceptions about life after 50. The witty personal stories of his spiritual journey will inspire those of any age."

Dr. Doris Brougham, President and Founder, Overseas Radio and Television

"If you have not faced up to passing 50 yet, you will. Stan Baldwin provides entertaining and thoughtful approaches to dealing with the changes and trials you will face."

Vernal Wilkinson, Village Missions District Representative

"Stanley Baldwin proves once and for all that moving past 50 need not threaten your body, soul or funny bone. Grab your bifocals and hang on."

Phil Callaway, author and editor of Servant magazine

"Stan's keen wit and lucid entertaining style make his insights as enjoyable as they are thought provoking."

Gary Brumbelow, Director, InterAct Ministries

"The first time I glanced in the mirror and saw my father looking back at me was terrifying. A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age is humorous but gives serious help. I will view the image in the mirror with less terror, more tolerance and hope."

Jerry Cook, author of Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness

"Most of us don't think about being over the hill until we're rolling briskly down the other side. Stan's book combines wit, wisdom and a wacky look at the later years."

Marion Stroud, author, Bedford, England


1. I Hate Growing Old--But I Love Those Perks
Denial worked only so long. When I finally faced reality about my age I found some happy surprises.

2. I Am Not a Grouch
Guilt about my impatience and irritability never really helped to overcome them, but a new insight did.

3. Afraid of Death? Who, Me?
Most of my life I felt safe from dying whether I was safe or not. Now I feel threatened whether I am or not.

4. What I Want to Be When I Grow Old
Aging forced me into career transitions I never wanted and didn't know how to negotiate.

5. I Can Change and I'll Prove It
I have learned that what is appropriate for one stage of life is not necessarily best for another.

6. When I Can No Longer Do Good Stuff, Like Drive
Becoming dependent on another is no fun for either party, but there are rewards for both.

7. Left Behind by Those I Loved
I miss those who have gone on before; I find solace in their memories but look even more to our future reunion.

8. I Want to Finish Well
Let me sail away from these waters into eternity's wide sea with flags unfurled.


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Stanley C. Baldwin

Stanley C. Baldwin is an author and speaker based in the Pacific Northwest who gets around quite admirably despite his years. He has authored and coauthored twenty books, including four bestsellers: Your Money Matters, The Kink and I, What Did Jesus Say About That? and Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness.