Showing 431 - 440 of 586 results

  • In the Beginning, GOD: Creation, Culture, and the Spiritual Life, By Marva J. Dawn

    In the Beginning, GOD

    Creation, Culture, and the Spiritual Life

    by Marva J. Dawn

    With the grace and insight for which she is known, Marva Dawn shows how the opening pages of the book of Genesis rivet our attention on God, calling us to worship and to praise. Yet here Dawn helps us see anew the grace He offers to overcome our rebellious and wandering hearts.

  • Global Mission Handbook: A Guide for Crosscultural Service, By Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor

    Global Mission Handbook

    A Guide for Crosscultural Service

    by Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor

    Veteran mission professionals Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor offer a practical guide for preparing for intercultural missions. They provide resources for personal spiritual preparation as well as crosscultural skills and hands-on missionary training.

  • Children's Ministry in the Way of Jesus, By David M. Csinos and Ivy Beckwith

    Children's Ministry in the Way of Jesus

    by David M. Csinos and Ivy Beckwith
    Foreword by John H. Westerhoff III

    Attract kids to church, the logic often goes, and you get parents in the pews. All that's left is to get the kids out of the way. Here children's ministers David Csinos and Ivy Beckwith draw on research in human development and spiritual formation to show how children become disciples and churches become centers of lifelong discipleship.

  • The Revelation to John: A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Apocalypse, By Stephen S. Smalley

    The Revelation to John

    A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Apocalypse

    by Stephen S. Smalley

    Stephen S. Smalley demonstrates the fruitfulness of reading John's Apocalypse like a two-act drama with a "marked sevenfold patterning." His theological and literary analysis of the Greek text puts Revelation squarely in the hands of contemporary readers, demonstrating its power to transcend barriers of culture and history. Now in paperback.

  • Discovering Soul Care, By Mindy Caliguire

    Discovering Soul Care

    by Mindy Caliguire

    Mindy Caliguire introduces us to the concept of soul care (the spiritual discipline). Soul Care Resources are designed to be simple, but not simplistic, guides to maintaining or recovering the life and health of your soul, that essential personhood created by God as you. A Willow Creek Resource.

  • Transforming Power: Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community, By Robert Linthicum

    Transforming Power

    Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community

    by Robert Linthicum

    Based on a thorough exploration of Scripture and decades of real-world experience, Robert Linthicum's model of relational power provides sound, practical strategies for changing individuals, communities, structures and systems.