Written on the Heart
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Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the Year
With uninterrupted clarity, frequent eloquence and occasional humor, J. Budziszewski presents and defends the natural law tradition in what is at once a primer for students and a vigorous argument for scholars.
Written on the Heart expounds the work of the leading architects of theory on natural law, including Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and John Locke. It also takes up contemporary philosophy, theology and political science, colorfully running against the intimidating tide of advanced pluralism that finds natural law so difficult to tolerate.
Throughout the volume, Budziszewski sure-footedly achieves his self-confessed aim of displaying the "subtlety, richness and intellectual surprise" of the natural law tradition.
Unit I: Aristotle
1. Politics the Human Good
2. Moral Excellence Regime Design
3. Friendship, Justice the Moral Significance of Law
Unit II: Thomas Aquinas
4. The Grand Design of Law
5. The Law of Nature the Law of Man
6. Human Law Regime Design
Unit III: John Locke
7. The State of Nature the Social Contract
8. Two Views of Natural Law
9. Private Property Revolution
Unit IV: John Stuart Mill
10. The Pleasure Principle
11. The Problem with the Pleasure Principle
12. Utility Justice
Intermezzo: The Art of Teaching
Unit V: Written on the Heart
13. A Christian Appraisal of Natural-Law Theory
14. A Reprise of the Older Thinkers
15. A Sampling of Recent Thinkers
Appendix: Elementary Reasoning
Select Bibliography