Together in Prayer: Coming to God in Community, By Andrew R. Wheeler

Together in Prayer

Coming to God in Community

by Andrew R. Wheeler

Together in Prayer
  • Length: 184 pages
  • Published: April 17, 2009
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 2114
  • ISBN: 9780830821143

*affiliate partner

"Lord, teach us to pray," every small group, from Jesus' to yours, has asked. Prayer is intimidating--what do you say to the God of the universe? How do you listen to Someone you can't see? Add other voices to the mix and prayer becomes downright scary--one more opportunity to feel like an idiot in front of your small group, or one more opportunity to highlight the differences between you. And yet prayer is a gift from God to all of us, and group prayer binds us to one another in ways that no other activity can.

In Together in Prayer Andrew R. Wheeler lays the groundwork for establishing a responsible, meaningful prayer ministry in your small group. Here you'll find guidelines for praying in groups, common pitfalls of communal prayer and suggestions for spurring your group onward. Comprehensive in its scope, thoughtful in its approach and practical in its insights, Together in Prayer serves as an authoritative guide for your group to embrace and enhance prayer together.

"This ridiculously practical and passionate book doesn't come from the dusty halls of some seminary or the echoing chamber of a monastery. It comes from a fast-beating heart of a man who practices what he teaches. That's what makes Andrew Wheeler a prayer-coach extraordinaire. Whether for your family, church or small group, embark on reading this book as you would a search for lost treasure. Engaging and enjoying prayer as a conversation with God in community with others is just that exhilarating and priceless!"

Dr. Marcus Bieschke, campus pastor, Willow Creek Community Church, McHenry County

A nuts-and-bolts handbook for helping small groups become intimately acquainted with God. This practical book can revitalize your prayer life. Highly recommended.

HIM, Church Libraries, Fall 2009


Foreword by John Bornschein: Senior Director, National Day of Prayer Task Force

1. The Case for Community Prayer
2. The Distinctiveness of Community Prayer
3. An Audience of One
4. Seeking His Kingdom
5. Agreeing in Prayer
6. Leading Effective Community Prayer
7. Praying for One Another
8. Incorporating Confession
9. Stretcing Your Group's Prayer Muscles
10. Other Prayer Contexts

Conclusion: Together in Prayer
Appendix A: Your Group's Prayer Quotient
Appendix B: Bibliography Recommended Resources


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Andrew R. Wheeler

Andrew R. Wheeler organizes the prayer ministry of the elders and Sunday service teams for Willow Creek Community Church--McHenry County. A member of the Church Prayer Leaders Network, he maintains the website as a resource for churches growing in prayer ministry.