You have one of the toughest and most important jobs out there: raising teenagers.
Their reputation precedes them: cluttered rooms, changing moods, curfew wars and confusing relationships haunt the dreams of parents well before their oldest child hits adolescence. Wayne Rice, founder of Understanding Your Teenager, has compiled more than a hundred of the most common concerns that parents bring to him, questions like
In There's a Teenager in My House a team of youth ministry experts including
who offer practical, wise answers based on their years of experience ministering to (and raising) teenagers.
The teenage years are tough on parents. They're tough on kids too. But with the helpful insights you'll find in There's a Teenager in My House, you can endure--and even enjoy--this exciting season of your child's life.
A great gift for youth workers to give parents and a valuable resource for youth workers in navigating those awkward conversations with parents about almost anything. Adolescence is rough on kids and parents. This book can help smooth out some of those rough spots.
Rock-solid help for worried parents.
1. Family and Home Life
1. The messy bedroom
2. Chores left undone
3. Grown children still living at home
4. Conflict over vacation plans
5. Being clear about rules
6. Setting curfew
7. Dealing with disobedience
8. Changing the rules
9. Sibling squabbles
2. Emotions
10. Dealing with moodiness
11. Low self-image
12. A bad attitude
13. Senioritis
14. Disrespect
15. Suicide
16. Anger
3. Communication
17. Right to privacy
18. Getting a teen to talk
19. Arguments
20. Yelling
21. Kids understanding parents
22. Keeping a good relationship
23. Kids keeping their distance
24. How much guidance to give
25. Controlling your temper
26. Relationship with moms
27. Showing forgiveness
28. Setting a bad example
29. Disrespect
4. Dating and Sexuality
30. When to talk about sex
31. Old-fashioned values
32. Limits on dating
33. Is my teen having sex?
34. Masturbation
35. Providing contraceptives
36. Pornography
37. Preventing promiscuity
38. How to talk about sex
39. Sexually transmitted diseases
40. Homosexuality
41. Discovering birth control pills
42. How old to date?
43. Talking from experience
44. Dealing with a pregnancy
5. Friends
45. Bad friends
46. More bad friends
47. Clueless about friends
48. No friends
49. Choosing friends
50. The special-needs child
6. Behavior and Discipline
51. Too big to spank
52. Knowing what your teen is doing
53. The lying teenager
54. Teen temper tantrums
55. Ideas for consequences
56. Making consequences work
57. Sending teenagers away
58. The ADHD teenager
59. Foul language
7. Drugs and Alcohol
60. Preventing drug use
61. Drinking with friends
62. Discovering drug paraphernalia
63. Allowing kids to drink at home
64. Telling the truth about your past
8. Appearance
65. Teen girls and tight skirts
66. Body image
67. Dressing for church
68. What about tattoos?
69. Body piercing
9. Entertainment
70. Today's filthy lyrics
71. Setting limits on music
72. Going to R-rated movies
73. TV in the bedroom?
10. Technology
74. Limiting time on the computer
75. Cell phone usage
76. Screening e-mail
77. Online chat rooms
11. School
78. Teen refuses to do homework
79. Helping teens with homework
80. The overachiever
81. Skipping school
82. Homeschool versus public school
83. Extracurricular activities
84. Motivating teens to study
12. Values and Faith
85. Family devotions
86. Church attendance
87. Influence of entertainment media
88. Witches and the occult
89. Church youth group attendance
90. Self-centered teenagers
91. The influence of fathers
13. Money
92. Allowances
93. Paying for chores
94. Teaching the value of a dollar
95. Teen jobs
96. Credit cards for teens
14. Nontraditional Familes
97. The newly formed family
98. A stepparent's authority
99. Going through a divorce
100. Different homes, different rules
101. Grandparents raising teenagers
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