Themes in Old Testament Theology, By William A. Dyrness
Themes in Old Testament Theology
  • Length: 252 pages
  • Published: February 01, 1980
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 0726
  • ISBN: 9780877847267

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Studying the New Testament without a background in the Old is like listening to only the last movement of a great symphony. Unless we begin at the beginning, we miss the sense of developing themes and their subtle variations. To fully appreciate the music of the Bible, we need to listen to its early movements.

William Dyrness helps us by providing a set of program notes to important Old Testament themes: the self-revelation of God, the nature of God, creation and providence, man and woman, sin, covenant, law, worship, piety, ethics, wisdom, the Spirit of God, prophecy and the hope of Israel. By attuning our ears to these themes, Dyrness sets us on a course of enriching study and increased understanding.


1. The Self-Revelation of God
Self-Revelation: Basis of OT Revelation
Major Instances of God?s Self-Revelation
2. The Nature of God
Media of revelation
The Nature of God
The Character and Activity of God
3. Creation and Providence
Myth and History in the OT
Providence: God?s Continuing Relationship to Creation
4. Man and Woman
The Creation of Man and Woman
The Nature of Humankind
5. Sin
The Origin of Sin: The Fall
The Vocabulary and Definition of Sin
The Character of Sin in the OT
The Results of Sin
6. The Covenant
Background of the Covenant Ideas
Development of the OT Covenant
Theological Implications of the Covenant
7. The Law
Background and Development of the Concept
The Law in the Community
The Character of the Law
8. Worship
The Need for Form
Sacred Places
Sacred Times
Sacred Actions
The Theology of the Cult
9. Piety
Theological Character of Piety
Characteristic Expressions of Piety
10. Ethics
The Basis of OT Ethics
Development of the Principles of OT Ethics
The Teaching of the Prophets
11. Wisdom
The Development of the Idea of Wisdom
The Theological Character of Wisdom
The Future of Wisdom
12. The Spirit of God
Vocabulary and Basic Meaning
Theological Development
13. Prophecy
The Origin of OT Prophecy
The Classical Prophets
14. The Hope of Israel
The Vision of the Kingdom
Death and the Afterlife

Basic Bibliography of Old Testament Theology
Scripture Index


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William A. Dyrness

William A. Dyrness (DTheol, University of Strasbourg; Doctorandus, Free University) is professor of theology and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary.