The Integration Journey: A Student's Guide to Faith, Culture, and Psychology, By William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani
The Integration Journey
  • Length: 264 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: June 04, 2024
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: A0056
  • ISBN: 9781514000564

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There are numerous models, theories, and resources on integrating psychology and the Christian faith. But practicing integration in the real world is something else entirely. To move from theory to practice, we need learning informed by experiences, reflection on those experiences, and feedback from others. This integration process is a lifelong journey.

William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani offer a fresh approach to integration as embodied, lived, and practical. These two seasoned teachers guide students through the process of theological reflection on psychology as part of their spiritual formation and vocation, requiring each person to incorporate their own stories, culture, and experiences. True integration, the authors contend, should work for justice in our churches, communities, and wider society, with particular attention to the marginalized and oppressed.

Using guided exercises and prompts for reflection and discussion, The Integration Journey invites students to make their own contributions to constructing a culturally informed, organic model of integration that works for them. The goal of integrative reflection is ultimately to be shaped so that we can better love God and others and work toward God’s kingdom here on earth.

"Whitney and Dwiwardani offer a unique and timely contribution to the integration literature. The emphasis on culture is an important corrective to a task that is often portrayed as an objective and rational project—a perspective that is undermined by the abundant evidence of the culturally embedded and relational nature of knowledge. The emphasis on love as the goal of integration vocationally ties the integrative task into our common calling as followers of Jesus. Through thoughtful questions at the end of each chapter, the authors facilitate the development of an integrative identity, which is foundational for engaging in the task of integration."

M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, professor of psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University

"The Integration Journey by Whitney and Dwiwardani maps on well to the challenges many students face in relating their personal story and identity as a Christian, their identity as a future psychologist, and the ways they want to be responsive to matters of justice in the world today as ambassadors of Christ. I look forward to having my students immerse themselves in it for the development of their own integrative identity."

Mark A. Yarhouse, Dr. Arthur P. Rech and Mrs. Jean May Rech Professor of Psychology at Wheaton College

"In a world that often compartmentalizes knowledge, The Integration Journey stands as a beacon of integration, demonstrating that a deeper understanding of Christianity can be attained by embracing the richness of our diverse human experience. Whitney and Dwiwardani have given us a gift—a guide that encourages us to explore the relational harmony between psychology, faith, and culture. This book is destined to become a cornerstone for those in mental health who have faith and seek understanding."

Jennifer Ripley, Hughes Endowed Chair of Christian Mental Health Practice at Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia, and coauthor of Couple Therapy: A New Hope-Focused Approach

"William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani have created a personal journey of reflection for students and psychologists. They believe that reflecting on our personal stories within our own culture of Christian faith, psychological understandings, and culture will lead us to an ever-unfolding wholeness. Teresa of Avila said, 'The feeling remains that God is on the journey too.' After reading The Integration Journey and applying it, you'll see that you've been on a journey with God."

Everett L. Worthington Jr., Commonwealth Professor Emeritus at Virginia Commonwealth University

"With two seasoned teachers in Whitney and Dwiwardani, I expected and found a thoughtful approach to theological and psychological reflection that is embedded in cultural contexts. But I didn't expect their generous invitation to turn this integrative meaning making inward before they empowered me to consider how to 'work toward greater love and justice in our churches, communities, and society.' Illustrated with glimpses from their integration journeys and filled with stirring questions to guide transformation, this book is a trustworthy guide to the integration journey ahead."

Joel Jin, assistant professor of clinical psychology at Seattle Pacific University and coauthor of Deliberate Practice in Multicultural Therapy

"The Integration Journey starts strong and then gets better with each chapter. The authors demonstrate deep fidelity to Christian essentials while bringing fresh, creative perspectives calling us to love and justice. Something new and exciting is happening in integration, and this book leads the way."

Mark R. McMinn, coauthor of Embodying Integration

Read an Excerpt



1. Introduction to Integrative Reflection and Formation
2. Integration as Story
3. Love and Justice: A Theological Framework for Ethical Action and Cultural Awareness Within Integration
4. Integration Is Culturally Embedded
5. The Cycle of Transformation: Developing Our Integrative Identity
6. Honoring Cultural and Communal Wisdom
7. Holding Space for Lament in the Face of Injustice
8. Reflection, Action, Vocation: Finding Your Integrative Voice

General Index


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William B. Whitney

William B. Whitney (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is associate professor of psychology at Azusa Pacific University. He practices as a therapist at La Vie Counseling Center and is the author of Problem and Promise in Colin E. Gunton’s Doctrine of Creation.

Carissa Dwiwardani

Carissa Dwiwardani (PhD, Rosemead School of Psychology) is professor of psychology at Biola University’s Rosemead School of Psychology. She is a licensed psychologist who is board certified in clinical psychology (ABPP).