The God Who Is Triune: Revisioning the Christian Doctrine of God, By Allan Coppedge

The God Who Is Triune

Revisioning the Christian Doctrine of God

by Allan Coppedge

The God Who Is Triune
  • Length: 345 pages
  • Published: October 01, 2007
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2596
  • ISBN: 9780830825967

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"We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity." (Athanasian Creed, 6th century A.D.

The triunity of the Christian God is not just one isolated doctrine among others. Allan Coppedge unfolds the implications of the trinitarian being of God for our entire understanding of the nature, character and acts of God. Building on the theology of the church from the early church fathers, tracing it through the Reformation and down to current theological treatments of the Trinity, Coppedge draws out the implications for our understanding of God's nature, attributes, roles, and relationship to creation and providence.

"What a delight to find a mature systematic theologian who takes Jesus seriously when he talks about God! Coppedge actually believes Jesus meant it when he said that if one wants to know the Father or the Spirit that one must start with the Son. The result is that God becomes more than an idea, or a dogma, or one who is always a third-personal 'he' whom we know about. This triune God is shown to be a second-personal 'you' to whom one must respond with much more than a mere thought. Good stuff!"

Dennis F. Kinlaw, Founder, Francis Asbury Society, and Former President, Asbury College

"Allan Coppedge has produced a comprehensive trinitarian doctrine of God. His thirty years of praying, teaching and preaching have culminated in one of the clearest discussions of the holy One ever produced. Coppedge's facile handling of ancient resources and the most recent theological assessments of the divine nature, as well as his offering of a new paradigm for relating holiness and love in the personhood of God, are more than gratifying--this is a unique call to a theological revolution. With Jesus at the center he deftly draws all the major trinitarian commonplaces into a tapestry of divine roles. That rigorous biblical framework provides the backdrop for several key issues: triune theism, personhood, the relationship of holiness and love, a trinitarian worldview, a dynamic view of providence, and a rigorous challenge to open theism. Allan Coppedge has spent his life making disciples of Jesus Christ. This masterful text is one facet of that life-giving ministry--that which feeds the mind so that the heart and the life can please the triune One who has made us in his image. Teachers, pastors and anyone who wants to think more clearly about God and to live in the dynamic life of personal holy love will benefit from this text."

M. William Ury, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Wesley Biblical Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

"Allan Coppedge has shown us how the recently revived interest in the Trinity can lead us to some new answers to some old theological conundrums. He has shown us a way forward, and we owe him a debt of gratitude."

John Oswalt, Research Professor of Old Testament, Wesley Biblical Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

"Coppedge undertakes one of the most challenging tasks imaginable---trying to define and explain the nature and work of the eternal, triune God of the universe in a way that is reverent, comprehensible, practical, relevant, and in keeping with Scripture. Here he does an admirable job."

Cliff McManis, The Master's Seminary Journal, Spring 2009

"While most would not expect a book on the doctrine of the Trinity to do so, The God Who Is Triune will surprise readers who may have only tolerated the Trinity as a mere statement of faith and may cause them to actually embrace Trinitarianism. Coppedge's exposition of the entire doctrine of God based on a Trinitarian starting point is helpful. One finds an understanding of providence and freedom that entails inviting human persons to enter into genuine relations with God and each other in true freedom. I highly recommend this book as a great resource for both pastors and scholars. The implications of this study for contemporary moral life are incredible."

Larry L. Lichtenwalter, Seminary Studies, Spring 2009

"This text provides tremendous biblical, historical, and theological insight and merits careful interaction, much more than this all too brief review is able to provide. Coppedge writes as a seasoned Wesleyan theologian, to be sure, but his contribution undoubtedly will be of tremendous benefit to those outside of this theological tradition."

Patrick T. Smith, Criswell Theological Review, Spring 2009

"Rather than follow the recent trend of surveying various prominent theologians and examining their Trinitarianism, Coppedge opted to take a more systematic approach in offering a thorough examination of what Scripture has to say about God."

Nick Norelli, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, May 16, 2008


1 The New Testament Foundations for the Trinity
2 The Biblical Frame for the Trinity
3 The Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity
4 The Triune God in Relation to Creation
5 The Triune God Within himself
6 The Nature of the Triune God
7 The Attributes of the Triune God: Personal and Moral
8 The Attributes of the Triune God: Relative and Aboslute
9 The Roles of the Triune God: The Way the Economic Trinity Works
10 The Triune God Creates a Cosmos
11 The Nature of Creation
12 The Triune God?s Work of Providence
13 The Triune God, Freedom and Providence
Name Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index


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Allan Coppedge

Allan Coppedge is Beeson Professor of Christian Theology at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, where he has taught for more than thirty years. He has written Shaping the Wesleyan Message: John Wesley in Theological Debate and The Biblical Principles of Discipleship and coauthored In His Image: A Workbook on Scriptural Holiness. He holds the Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in England and is president of the Barnabas Foundation, a discipleship training organization for students and local churches.