The Adventure: Putting Energy into Your Walk with God, By Gerald L. Sittser

The Adventure

Putting Energy into Your Walk with God

by Gerald L. Sittser

The Adventure
  • Length: 238 pages
  • Published: November 13, 1985
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 0335
  • ISBN: 9780877843351

*affiliate partner

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered."

--G.K. Chesterton

As even a brief exposure to the New Testament will show, the Christian life is a life of adventure. Every aspect is full of energy and light. Yet too often we stop at one point of interest--evangelism, spiritual disciplines, social justice--and go no further. Interweaving stories from a summer vacation, Jerry Sittser shows how our lives can include all God has in mind for us. In a book that is fun and challenging, Sittser restores wholeness to the adventure of Christian living.


Part I: Making Sense Out of Discipleship
1. Summer with the Sage
2. Getting the Bigger Picture
Part II: Beginning with God
3. A Radical Commitment
4. A Compelling Character
5. The Pleasure of Intimacy
Part III: God's Goal for Our Growth
6. History's Drama
7. The Great Transformation
8. A New Community of Love
9. Vision for the New World
10. The Way to Renewal
Part IV: Divinely Powered Discipleship
11. Rediscovering the Holy Spirit
12. The Grace of God
13. Our Responsiveness
Part V: Knowing the Enemy
14. Pride, the Quiet Master
15. Evil and the Personality Behind It
Part VI: Saint-Making
16. Guidance and Freedom
17. Spiritual Disciplines
18. Joyful Obedience
19. Embracing the Whole


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Gerald L. Sittser

Gerald L. Sittser (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is professor of theology at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He is the author of The Adventure, A Cautious Patriotism, A Grace Disguised, The Will of God as a Way of Life and When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer. He has also written many book reviews and articles. He speaks frequently at churches, college campuses, and scholarly and Christian conferences. Sittser has won numerous awards and honors including a Gold Medallion Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association for his book When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer.