Story of Stories: A Guided Tour from Genesis to Revelation, By Karen Lee-Thorp alt

Story of Stories

A Guided Tour from Genesis to Revelation

by Karen Lee-Thorp

Story of Stories
  • Length: 366 pages
  • Published: November 21, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 5990
  • ISBN: 9780830859900

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The Bible contains many of the most fantastic and memorable stories of all time—the great flood, David and Goliath, the empty tomb. These stories are packed with enough verve and vitality to astound and inspire readers on their own. Yet when read as parts of a larger, grander story, each of these stories reveals added depths of artistry and meaning. Still, it is easy to lose sight of how the Bible's narrative threads weave together into one beautiful tapestry.

In Story of Stories readers join Karen Lee-Thorp on a guided tour of Scripture where she retells the Bible's major stories, draws out the significance of overlooked subtleties and shows how individual vignettes contribute to Scripture's overarching story of redemption. Readers will find a renewed appreciation for the breadth and depth of the greatest story ever told in these pages.

Written with both individuals and groups in mind, this revised and expanded edition includes end-of-chapter reflection questions and a leader's guide for facilitating discussions.

"Lee-Thorp's ambitious endeavor covers the entire scope of the biblical narrative while maintaining accessibility and readability. Her guided tour is packed with historical and cultural background and theological reflection. Reading Story of Stories will encourage a closer reading of Scripture and remind God's people that we are each 'part of a tale much bigger' than our own."

Lindsay Olesberg, Scripture training specialist, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, author of The Bible Study Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for an Essential Practice

"Told in the most conversational, down-to-earth language, this book captures the Story of all stories with energetic pace, robust detail and scholarly insight. Karen Lee-Thorp has brought to life the sweeping arc of the biblical story, providing readers a sense of the drama and divine hand in human history. You will feel like the pieces of the puzzle have come together after you read it. I highly recommend it!"

Beth Booram, author of several books including Awaken Your Senses

"Karen is no stranger to tragedy. It is this Story of Stories that gives lives hope and meaning. This retelling is crystal-clear, poignant and gently humorous. Anyone who finds the kings/prophets confusing (or even boring) will see them come alive in this book. The New Testament letters are also portrayed in story form. Discussion questions make this book valuable for personal study or Bible study groups."

Christine Dillon, author of Telling the Gospel Through Story

"Karen Lee-Thorp invites the reader into the drama of the biblical story. Her masterful hand guides us to a clear understanding of the flow of the text, and we stand in awe as we see, perhaps for the first time, how the Bible truly is an organic whole with One Author."

Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College

"Story of Stories is one of the most valuable books I have ever used for helping new Christians grow. As they grapple with the complexities of biblical truth, this book can quickly give them the big picture. Karen Lee-Thorp has conveyed the dramatic plot that flows from Genesis to Revelation with keen insight and wit. I've lost count of how many copies I've given away."

Jim Petersen, associate to the general director of The Navigators

"Most of our Bible originated in acts of storytelling, but somewhere along the line many of us lose the story line and end up with a file drawer full of doctrines and dates and study notes. But God, in his Scriptures, is first of all a storyteller, elaborating the plot of his saving ways among us and pulling our stories into The Story. Karen Lee-Thorp recovers the story for us."

Eugene H. Peterson, professor emeritus of spiritual theology at Regent College and author of The Message

"Church librarians will want to recommend this book to seekers and new Christians who find the Bible daunting. For Christians already familiar with these tales, Story of Stories will refresh and deepen their appreciation."

Monica Tenney, Congregational Libraries Today, Second Issue, 2013

"Readers join Karen Lee-Thorp on a guided tour of Scripture where she retells the Bible's major stories, draws out the significance of overlooked subtleties, and shows how individual vignettes contribute to Scriptures overarching story of redemption. Readers will find a renewed appreciation for the breadth and depth of the greatest story ever told."

Significant Living, May 2013


Introduction: Why I Want to Tell You This Story
Genesis 1--3
2. The Spread of Corruption
Genesis 5--11
3. God Chooses a Family
Genesis 11:10--50:26
4. Liberation
Exodus 1:1--15:21
5. A Treaty with Yahweh
Exodus 15:22--23:33
6. A Court for the King
Exodus 24:1--40:38
7. A Generation Lost
Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy
8. March to the Promised Land
Numbers; Deuteronomy
9. A Taste of Conquest and Defeat
Joshua; Judges
10. A Tale of Two Kings
Ruth; 1 Samuel; Psalms 18 and 22
11. David?s Glory and Shame
2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles; Psalms 32 and 51
12. Two Kinds of Wisdom
1 Kings 1--14; 2 Chronicles 1--12; Job; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes; Song of Songs
13. Power Encounters
1 Kings 15--2 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 13--24
14. Enforcing the Covenant
2 Kings 13--17; Amos; Hosea; Jonah
15. Meanwhile Down South
2 Kings 15--16; 2 Chronicles 26--28; Isaiah 1--11; Joel; Micah
16. Judah Seals Her Fate
2 Kings 18:1--21:18; 2 Chronicles 29:1--33:20; Isaiah 13--66
17. Strolling Toward Disaster
2 Kings 21:19--23:27; 2 Chronicles 33:21--36:8; Jeremiah 7--20; 26; Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah
18. Babylon?s Triumph
2 Kings 24:1--25:30; 2 Chronicles 36:9-23; Jeremiah 21--25; 27--52; Lamentations; Obadiah
19. A Prophet in Exile
20. Ambassador to a Pagan Court
1 and 2 Kings; Daniel
21. Return to Jerusalem
Ezra 1--6; Haggai; Zechariah
22. Looking Toward the Future
Ezra 4:6-23; 7:1--10:44; Nehemiah; Esther; Malachi
23. The Silent Years
24. The Silence Breaks
Matthew 1:1--4:11; Mark 1:1-13; Luke 1:1--4:13; John 1:1-51
25. The Kingdom
Matthew 4:12--20:34; Mark 1:14--10:52; Luke 4:14--18:43; John 2:1--10:42
26. Jerusalem?s Last Chance
Matthew 21:1--26:56; Mark 11:1--14:52; Luke 19:1--22:53; John 11:1--18:11
27. The Death of Death
Matthew 26:57--28:20, Mark 14:53--16:20, Luke 22:54--24:53, John 18:12--21:25
28. A Movement Explodes
Acts 1:1--8:40; 9:32--11:30
29. The Adventures of Paul
Acts 9:1-31; 12:1--14:27
30. Breaking the Culture Barrier
Acts 15:1--16:5; Galatians
31. Strategic Bases
Acts 16:6--19:41; 1 and 2 Thessalonians
32. Crisis in Corinth
Acts 20:1-3; 1 and 2 Corinthians
33. Paul?s Manifesto
34. Paul in Prison
Acts 20:4-28:31; Philippians; Colossians; Philemon; Ephesians
35. Farewells
1 and 2 Timothy; Titus
36. International Mail
Hebrews; James; 1 and 2 Peter; Jude; 1, 2, and 3 John
37. The View from Heaven
Map: The Middle East, 2000--100 BC
Map: Palestine, 2000--100 BC
Map: The Roman Empire
Map: Palestine Under the Romans
Map: The Middle East Today


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Karen Lee-Thorp

Karen Lee-Thorp has written or cowritten more than fifty books and Bible studies, including the LifeChange series and the Doing Life Together series in the Purpose-Driven line. A former senior editor at NavPress, she is now a freelance writer living in Southern California with her husband, Greg.