Spirit of God: Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith, Edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones alt

Spirit of God

Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith

Wheaton Theology Conference Series

Edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

Spirit of God
  • Length: 267 pages
  • Published: March 06, 2015
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 9775
  • ISBN: 9780830897759

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While the age of the Holy Spirit began with Pentecost, the twentieth century has seen an explosion in the Spirit's work through the remarkable growth of Pentecostalism and the changing face of global Christianity. Despite these surprising developments, and the undeniable significance of the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the church, pneumatology too often remains a subject of misunderstanding and neglect.

These essays, gathered from the 2014 Wheaton Theology Conference, provide an ecumenical exploration of the Holy Spirit?s person and work in biblical, historical, doctrinal and practical perspective. In addition to essays on Augustine, Aquinas, creation and salvation, the volume features important contributions on the current shape of global Pentecostalism by leading scholars in the field.

This collection includes contributions by:

  • Estrelda Y. Alexander
  • Allan Heaton Anderson
  • Jeffrey W. Barbeau
  • Oliver D. Crisp
  • Timothy George
  • Gregory W. Lee
  • Matthew Levering
  • Douglas Petersen
  • Sandra Richter
  • Kevin J. Vanhoozer
  • Geoffrey Wainwright
  • Michael Welker
  • Amos Yong
  • Beth Felker Jones

"Introducing key themes, figures and movements in the biblical and historical theology of the Holy Spirit, covering major areas of contemporary theology and ecclesiology from a pneumatological perspective and with an eye toward their implications for Christian thought, life and ministry by leading Protestant, Pentecostal and Catholic theologians, Spirit of God makes an effective entry point to the leading edge of the field of pneumatology."

Steven M. Studebaker, McMaster Divinity College, author of From Pentecost to the Triune God: A Pentecostal Trinitarian Theology

"What a wonderful book. As the church seeks to know, experience and discern the person and work of the Spirit in its local and global life, these essays are a thoughtful, wise and encouraging accompaniment. They remind us of God's faithful presence among us from creation's beginning, throughout history and in the mystery of the triune life, until the final new creation. They also provide multiple entry points with which to join the wide-ranging and much-needed conversations of the church as it seeks to follow the leading of the Spirit and participate eschatologically in the triune mission of God."

Cherith Fee Nordling, associate professor of theology, Northern Seminary

"I wish Spirit of God had been available when I planned my seminar on the Holy Spirit; I would have adopted it as a textbook. If I teach it again, I will adopt it. It's a marvelous survey of contemporary biblical and theological reflections on the Holy Spirit by evangelical scholars. I highly recommend it to all who are interested in this topic of current interest. The chapter 'Stories of Grace: Pentecostals and Social Justice' is worth the price alone."

Roger E. Olson, George W. Truett Theological Seminary

"The book is worth the reading for pastor, student, and layperson."

Woodrow E. Walton, Africanus Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1


1. Introduction
Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

Part I: Biblical and Historical Perspectives
2. What Do I Know of Holy? On the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in Scripture
Sandra Richter
3. The Spirit?s Self-Testimony: Pneumatology in Basil of Caesarea and Augustine of Hippo
Gregory W. Lee
4. Rationalism or Revelation? St. Thomas Aquinas and the Filioque
Matthew Levering
5. Enthusiasts, Rationalists and Pentecost: The Holy Spirit in Eighteenth-Century Methodism
Jeffrey W. Barbeau
6. Uniting Us to God: Toward a Reformed Pneumatology
Oliver D. Crisp
7. The Dynamics of Global Pentecostalism: Origins, Motivations and Future
Allan Heaton Anderson
8. The Spirit of God: Christian Renewal in African American Pentecostalism
Estrelda Y. Alexander

Part II: Doctrinal and Practical Perspectives
9. The Spirit of Light after the Age of Enlightenment: Reforming/Renewing Pneumatic Hermeneutics via the Economy of Illumination
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
10. Creatio Spiritus and the Spirit of Christ: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Creation
Amos Yong
11. "Rooted and Established in Love": The Holy Spirit and Salvation
Michael Welker
12. The Spirit of God and Worship: The Liturgical Grammar of the Holy Spirit
Geoffrey Wainwright
13. Stories of Grace: Pentecostals and Social Justice
Douglas Petersen
14. "In All Places and in All Ages": The Holy Spirit and Christian Unity
Timothy George
15. Come, Holy Spirit: Reflections on Faith and Practice
Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

List of Contributors
Author Index


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Jeffrey W. Barbeau

Jeffrey W. Barbeau (PhD, Marquette University) is professor of theology at Wheaton College. A theologian, literary critic, and historian, he is the author of numerous monographs, anthologies, and edited books, including The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism and Religion, The Spirit of Methodism: From the Wesleys to a Global Communion, and Religion in Romantic England: An Anthology of Primary Sources.

Beth Felker Jones

Beth Felker Jones (PhD, Duke University) is associate professor of theology at Wheaton College and former assistant professor of Bible and Religion at Huntington University. She is the author of The Marks of His Wounds: Gender Politics and Bodily Resurrection and Practicing Christian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking and Living Theologically. Jones is a columnist for the Christian Century and has written articles for publications such as Duke Divinity School's Faith and Leadership and Christianity Today's Her.meneutics blog. She lives in Wheaton, Illinois, with her husband Brian, a United Methodist pastor, and their four children.