Speaking of Jesus: How To Tell Your Friends the Best News They Will Ever Hear, By J. Mack Stiles

Speaking of Jesus

How To Tell Your Friends the Best News They Will Ever Hear

Saltshaker Books

by J. Mack Stiles

Speaking of Jesus
  • Length: 197 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: July 06, 1995
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 1645
  • ISBN: 9780830816453

*affiliate partner

The gospel really is the best news anyone will ever receive. So why do Christians shy away from talking about Jesus outside of church? And, when they do speak of Jesus, why do they often get a disinterested or scornful reponse?

Mack Stiles offers a wealth of answers, ideas and stories in this heads-up, hands-on evangelism handbook. His creative strategies for reaching an ethnically, culturally, economically, educationally, geographically and ideologically diverse world with the best news ever are drawn directly from his own work as an evangelist in today's student world. In Speaking of Jesus he shows readers how to keep their eyes open for "divine appointments," how to approach others with a servant spirit, how to cross relational barriers, how to simply tell one's own story of faith, and how to answer questions with honesty and confidence.

Speaking of Jesus may well be an Out of the Saltshaker for the 1990s and beyond. With contagious enthusiasm, Stiles stresses that evangelism isn't about exhibiting superhuman courage or perfecting specialized techniques or exercising extraordinary gifts. Instead, he shows that people of faith can use everyday situations and everyday language to pass on the simple--and simply wonderful--news about Jesus.

"Mack Stiles has written a book that ought to be read by all Christians who care about people who aren't. This is one of the most practical and helpful books I've ever read on how to speak about Jesus so people will listen. If you worry about your unbelieving friends, read this book. It could change your life and theirs."

Steve Brown, president, Key Life Network



Part I: Engaging Our Worlds
1. Blowing Smoke
2. First Steps
3. A Father's Rescue
4. What I Did on My Spring Break
5. Speaking of Jesus

Part II: How Jesus Engaged His World
6. Divine Appointments
7. Jesus Had an Attitude
8. Crossing Barriers
9. The Power of Positive Evangelism
10. The Hooker at the Well
11. Questions
12. Answers
13. Telling Our Story

Part III: How Paul Engaged His World
14. The Big Picture
15. Ambassadorship
16. Immigration
17. Establishing Residency

Epilogue: Of Model A's and Evangelism

Appendix 1: 2 Plus

Appendix 2: First Steps to God

Appendix 3: A Code of Ethics for Christian Witness



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J. Mack Stiles

Mack Stiles is CEO of Gulf Digital Solutions and general secretary for the Fellowship of Christian UAE Students (FOCUS) in the United Arab Emirates. He has worked for many years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States. He is the author of Speaking of Jesus and coauthor with his wife of Mack and Leeann's Guide to Short-Term Missions.