Just the FAQs!
"Are we friends or are we dating? How can I tell?"
"I'm addicted to male attention. How can I break free?"
"I've been sexually abused. Will that affect my ability to have a good sex life?"
"What's so bad about having friends with benefits?"
"I've been hurt before. How can I ever trust anyone again?"
Real people. Honest questions. In this complicated age of hooking up and uncertain expectations, campus minister Mindy Meier provides Christian insight into the realities of sex and dating. She looks at over thirty key questions about today's relational issues and offers a wealth of real-life stories and practical examples.
Enough already with confusing relationships. Turn here for guidance, healing and hope.
"This book is a must-read for today's singles, no matter their spiritual background. Growing up in a culture of sexual confusion and experimentation, this generation is looking for straightforward answers to tough questions. Mindy is like a big sister who tells it like it is while maintaining an understanding attitude. I found Sex and Dating to be refreshingly honest, disarmingly witty, currently practical and biblically sound. She offers hope and grace in the midst of our brokenness without resorting to the latest radical solution in dating theories. With a foundation of Scripture and experience, this book sets us on the right course toward experiencing what God intended for relationships."
"Shaped by real-life interactions with teens and college students, Sex and Dating: Questions You Wish You Had Answers To does more than simply answer tough questions. It provides satellite navigation away from dating disasters and guides toward healthy relationships."
"This is a great resources to introduce to middle school students before they are confronted with tough choices about their sexuality."
Using an accessible question and answer format, Meier gives straight-forward answers to real questions about sex and dating. This is another resources parents, youth leaders, and inquisitive minds can now turn to in order to get some of their questions answered.
Part 1. Sexuality
1. What is the purpose of sex?
2. Why is it wrong to have sex outside of marriage? What if we really love each other?
3. The person I am dating wants me to set the boundaries. Is that OK?
4. Sex: How far can I go before marriage?
5. Can my girlfriend/boyfriend and I back up on our sexual relationship if we've gone too far?
6. Is oral sex wrong?
7. How can we keep the boundaries we have set and not fall into sexual sin?
8. Will my pornography habit die when I get married and have a real partner?
9. Is masturbation wrong?
10. I'm addicted to male attention. How can I break free?
11. How can I see women as more than sexual objects?
12. Will my struggle with sexual temptation end when I am married and have a partner?
13. If I have been sexually abused, will that affect my ability to have a good sex life in marriage?
14. What do the opening chapters of Genesis teach us about sex and marriage?
15. A guy in my Bible study just shared with me that he is a homosexual. I don't know what to do or think. What help can you give me?
16. What if my boyfriend and I do not feel guilty when we have sex? For us it is a wonderful time of closely connecting.
17. What's so bad about "friends with benefits" and "hooking up"?
Part II. Dating
1. Is dating a legitimate way to find a marriage partner or should I kiss dating goodbye?
2. How can I find a love that will last a lifetime?
3. How can I know if the person I am dating is "the one"?
4. Is it okay to date a non-Christian if we are super compatible?
5. What's there to do on a date besides drink and have sex?
6. I have been hurt before. How can I ever trust again?
7. How can I get over being jealous of my partner's former lover?
8. I am obsessed with finding a girlfriend/boyfriend. What help can you give?
9. I have never dated anyone or had any relationship. Where do I start?
10. Is it possible to be friends after breaking up?
11. Is it okay for a Christian to look for a marriage partner on the Internet?
12. Shouldn't we live together before getting married? I don't want to make a mistake.
13. Are we friends or are we dating? How can I tell?
14. How should I understand "submission" and "headship" as talked about in Ephesians 5?