Sandy: A Heart for God, By Leighton Ford alt


A Heart for God

by Leighton Ford

  • Length: 180 pages
  • Published: September 25, 2013
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 6962
  • ISBN: 9780830869626

*affiliate partner

Leighton Ford tells a story of uncertainty, hope, sorrow and joy as his oldest son, Sandy, faced a rare and life-threatening heart disease. Leighton Ford shares the joy of his son’s exceptional life and the pain of his untimely death. His story captures the vitality of a young man with a heart for God.

The winner of Campus Life's Editor's Choice Award, the winner of Campus Life's Book of the Year Contest, and a Guidepost Book Club Hardback selection, Sandy will encourage and strengthen your faith. “A heart for God” is on the marker at Sandy’s grave. More importantly, it is that “something more” which made him what he was, what he is and what we hope will be passed on to others in the telling of his story.

A portion of proceeds of this book will go to the Leighton Frederick Sandys Ford Jr. Memorial Scholarship fund to be used to help young people prepare for Christian Ministry.

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Leighton Ford

Leighton Ford is president of Leighton Ford Ministries. He served for many years as an evangelist with Billy Graham, and was featured as the alternate speaker to Billy Graham on the Hour of Decision broadcast. He also served for nearly twenty years as chairman of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, an international body of Christian leaders, and for many years has mentored emerging leaders all over the world. The author or coauthor of numerous books, including Transforming Leadership and The Attentive Life, Ford lives in Charlotte, North Carolina.